Chapter 1.

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  "Oh, I'm really sorry.. I guess I should watch where I'm going..." I muttered, pulling out my earphones. I was so nervous to be around him, probably because I had never met a celebrity before. I tried hiding the excitement in my voice, which seemed to work pretty well.

  "No, it's ok. Wait, are you- are you crying?" he said looking deep into my eyes. I hadn't realized it, but as I was making a fool of myself I had started crying. I guess I just didn't feel the tears. He put his arm up and gently wiped my cheek with the pad of his thumb. I looked at him cautiously. "Oh, yeah. I guess I am." I said, hoping he wouldn't ask what was wrong.

  "Well what's wrong?" He asked, his brown eyes looking into my blue ones. Greeaatt. I thought. "Uhm, well, you see I. I just. Well, long story short: Family problems. So, sorry for bumping into you like that. I'll be going now. Nice to meet you though, Zayn." I said with a smile as I walked around him. "Wait!" he screamed after me. I stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow ant him, "Yes?" I asked, giving him the reason for my singly raised eyebrow.

  He replied, "How did you know it was me?" I thought for a second, choosing the correct words, before saying, "Well, first of all, your eyes. Second of all, your voice. Third of all, the ultimate give away, your face." He shot me a confused look then he smiled, blushing a bit. "Shit, did I say that out loud?" Wow nice going Skylar. I thought to myself. He just simply looked at me and nodded, grinning like the cheshire cat. Almost making fun of me.

  I felt my cheeks starting to burn, thanking my few lucky stars that it was dark out so he couldn't see. As I opened my mouth to say something he said, "But don't worry about it. It was cute."

Then it felt like my face was on fire.

  "So can I ask you your name?" I looked down at my feet and bit my lip. "Skylar" I said quietly. "Well, Skylar, may I ask why you didn't go mental when you figured out who I was? Are you not a fan of One Direction?" He asked me. I started walking back inside the park, barely believing who I was talking to, It occured to me that I could be hallucinating, and I was just going insane. My legs took me to the swingset, seating itself on one of the swings while Zayn sat next to me. "Well," I started and turned to look at Zayn, finally taking in exactly what he was wearing. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a gray hoodie. His hood, of course, was up, like mine, and he was wearing his glasses which I thought just made him more sexy..... if that's even possible. Yep, that thought showed me I was hallucinating. "I am a HUGE fan of One Direction but, why should I freak out? You're just a regular teenage boy who happens to be super sexy and a GREAT singer." I finished, I looked at Zayn who's cheeks had turned pink. I could see in the dim light the lights in the park gave off. "Oh no, did I do it again?" Now it was my turn to blush.

  "Yeah," he chuckled, "but you're cute when you blush." He said with a wink. I replied "Hmmph, here I am over here thinking I was ALWAYS cute. Whatever you say though." I grinned at him. He looked up at me and grinned back. My stomach started doing flips. "Well, I wouldn't know. I haven't been around you long enough to be sure but, from what I can tell, you probably are." He said sweetly. I smiled and looked down at the woodchips under my feet as I started gently swinging back and forth, ignoring the slight creaks the swing made under me. "So, Zayn" I said, "May I ask why you just happened to be out here on this fine night? Shouldn't you be on tour or working or something?" He chuckled and said, "Well, we are on winter vacation right now so no. I just decided to get out of the house because I was tired of being in it and it is 2:00 am shouldn't I be asking YOU why you're out so late? How old are you anyways? Where's your mum? And speaking of what a fine night it is, it's pretty cold out here, too. And you're wearing shorts. Why?" I sighed, my mum. I didn't want to answer that question.

 "I'm 16. 17 in February. And, my mum? Who knows? My mum honestly doesn't even care what I do. She's too busy being drunk." The words had slipped out before I could stop them. He looked at me, his eyes pleading me to go on. "But don't worry, it's normal for her. This is normal for me." He replied with, "Ohh, so that's the 'family problems' you were talking about earlier?" "Uh, yeah." I said a little surprised he remembered. "But anyways, I'm out for the same reason as you basically. I'm out of school for winter break. Plus everything's so much quieter and more peaceful at night. You know?" I asked, looking up, focusing on the stars. "Yeah," he said, "I'm just glad I decided this night to come out. Otherwise I never would have met you." I looked back at him, my cheeks burning. I hadn't noticed he had been watching me the whole time. I smiled sweetly at him and said, "Welp, I better go. I'm starting to get tired." and right on cue, I yawned. I stood up and stretched my limbs, makibg me feel slightly better than before. When I walked over to Zayn, he pulled me into a hug before letting me go.

  "It was very nice to meet you, Zayn." He smiled and replied "You too Skylar." As I started walking I put my earphones back in and started blasting Paramore, once again. When suddenly I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Zayn's face fairly close to mine but, I wasn't complaining. I paused my music and asked, "Yes...?" A smile graced his face as he handed me his phone. He said "Here, put your number in. I would love to talk to you again soon." My eyes lit up with excitement as I quickly swapped phones with him. After we put our numbers in each other's phones, we both went in our different directions.

  Finally. I thought, Something good finally happens. I walked the rest of the way home with a huge smile on my face. As I walked in I looked around for my mum. She wasn't there. I shrugged it off. It was normal for that to happen. I jumped in the shower quickly and then went to bed. As I laid down, my phone vibrated on my nightstand. 

Zayn(:  : Goodnight beautiful :) xxx

Butterflies filling my stomach, I quickly replied:

Goodnight, even more beautiful :) xx

Before turning my phone off and slipping into a sweet dream.

  What felt like 5 minutes later ( Which turned out to be a couple of hours ) I was awoken by screaming and a loud thud. Great.... This is going to be a fun night.  I thought sarcastically as I climbed out of bed and  trudged down the hall to the livingroom. Only to be greeted by a very drunk woman, laying face down on the floor. Yep, that's my mum for you.

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