Chapter 26.

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*Skylar's POV*

"Well, when do you think he'll wake up then?" 

"Well, It's been a month, and he's getting better, his injuries are healing nicely, so I'm guessing it will be pretty soon."

"Okay, thanks so much."

"It's what I live for."

  A smile found my chapped lips as I spun from the doctor, walking to Lavonne and Sarah. We decided to stay in the waiting room today, since the boys needed rest, and Zayn wasn't awake. It had been a little over a month, but I couldn't help but die a little everyday I walked into Zayn's room, only to see him still sleeping. My heart sunk when my eyes found his pale, lifeless face, cold, and not moving.

  His mouth always held a tube which supplied oxygen to his lungs, and I hated it more than anything. I could only hear the annoying noise of it, everyday and every waking hour of every night. That was all that was ever in my mind. The sound of his respirated breathing. There was one reason I didn't smash it to bits, and it was only because it was keeping him alive. 

Lord how I wished he would wake up.

  All day, everyday, my mind swirled with thoughts. Thoughts about what I'd say to him when he woke up. I needed to tell him everything I never did, I couldn't risk him dying without knowing how much I loved him. It just couldn't happen. 

---- A Few Months Later After Zayn Woke Up, And Was Back On Tour----


That's what I was doing. 

No, that's what I had done.

I died. 

On the inside, at least. 


  I only had one more month to go. 31 more days until I got to see him. Until I could hug him. Kiss him. Until I could hear his voice in person. Not through the phone or computer microphone. 

But for now, I was dead.

I was lonely. 

Feeling abandoned in my own scary little world. 

Feeling trapped in my own mind.

Feeling lost.

The silent sound of loneliness wants to follow me to bed.

The silence that makes your ears ring.

The silence scares me, because it screams the truth.

Some days, I can't even trust myself.

  But of course, Lavonne had to leave our school. She had to leave for a month at dance camp, where she would be taught the same curriculum as if she was still in school, except across the world. In the U.S. And Sarah decided to start University early, since she already knew what we're learning for the rest of the school year.

So, therefore, I was left alone.

Of course they had to go, and let the lonely in to take my heart again. 

  And all I could do was wait, and hope. Lately I very rarely got to speak to him, as our schedules clashed since I was fairly far away from him. I mean at the moment he was in Melbourne, and I guess that's closer than the states, but it was still too far for me to handle. 

  Sarah and Lavonne checked in on me as often as they possibly could but they were both so busy, it was kind of hard. No, I hadn't hurt myself. The razor had touched my skin, multiple times, teasing me. Mocking me. But not once in the past 9 months had I let it cut through the skin, which I was very proud of myself for.

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