Chapter 3.

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I ran out into the middle of the street to my drunken mum. Stood behind her, was an oddly familiar girl. "Oh my god! Mum! Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah," she slurred "I'm goooooooddddddd." My eyes wandered back to the girl who was standing behind my drunk mother. "Thanks." The words fell from my mouth, but were blown away by the wind to play with the grocery bags swirling at the end of the street. My mum and I started walking back across the street, my eyes darting around, watching for more cars. Motioning for the girl to follow, I spoke, louder this time, "Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you. I saw her and I tried to get there fast enough but-" "No, it's totally fine." she cut me off. "I'm glad I could help."

She had saved my mother. How could I repay her? Her mind was faster than mine. Telling her to run. To run without a second thought. So she did. And she pulled her back just before she got hit. "I'm so glad you were here. Really, I don't know what I would've done if she had gotten hit." Then my mum decided to butt in, "Like you care Skylllaarrr. I'm leaving." But as I started to protest, she climbed into someone's car. She screamed something about being home later, which was good enough for me. That's the best I'd ever got from her. I shrugged it off, guessing, HOPING she'd be fine if she was with him. My mind memorized the license plate number just in case, though.

"What's your name?" I asked as I turned to the girl I had forgotten was there. "Lavonne, You?" I smiled. "Well, according to my mum it's Skyllllaaaaarrrrrrr" I said the same way my mum did. "I love your name, Lavonne." I said with a smile, "Thanks," Lavonne replied, "I like yours too. So I guess I'll see you around?" She asked. "Probably not, I mean, big town right?" I said, confused. "Uhh," She said as if she was waiting for me to catch on. Then it hit me. Wow, I'm stupid. Really. Lavonne went to my school. I remember she was in my 7th grade English class three or four years before. The only thing I knew about her was she was very smart and she was drop dead gorgeous. She had black silky hair that she sometimes wore in a pony and brown eyes. She was about 5'4, and she was thin. From what I learned, I also knew she was in dance and played the violin. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. I just don't really pay attention to people at school..."

She smiled at me and said "It's okay. I understand. I see the way people talk to you at school. I'm really sorry about that. I don't really like the people in our school." Her brown eyes stared into my blue ones, bright and happy, but full of concern. The wind whipped my hair into my face, making it hard for me to speak without getting a little taste of it. Then I remembered why I was outside in the first place. Zayn. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I took it out. I had 1 new message from Zayn.

Zayn(: : When are you coming? Lou won't shut up. Where are you? xx

I looked up to Lavonne and asked for her number. I quickly saved it in my phone and told her I would make sure to text her later. Then I replied to Zayn:

I'm 5 minutes from my house.... I'll explain when I get to the park. Tell him I'll be there in like twenty minutes..? I'll walk fast. :) See you soon xx

After that I turned on NeverShoutNever and started on my long journey to the park.

Once I got there, I spotted five boys sitting on the swingset, talking and laughing together. Niall was sat furthest to the left. Next it was Louis, then Harry, then Liam, then Zayn. I looked at them and none of them noticed me, so I kept walking. Pulling my hood over my head, I walked straight in front of them, not acknowledging them in order to keep my identity hidden. I pulled out my ear phones and shoved them in my jacket pocket. Apparently he didn't see me. My feet carried me around to the other side of the park so I was behind them, and then I decided to have a little fun. I slowly walked up to Zayn, keeping my eyes on the boys, making sure not to get caught. Liam's gaze found me, but before he could speak, I put my finger to my lip, which had found a smile, and I winked, signalling to him who I was, and to just play along.

"Zayn," he said "When's the last time you screamed?" I started smiling and took a step closer to Zayn. "Uh, I don't know. Long time ago I guess. Why?" He answered. I took that chance to whisper his name in his left ear, then dropped to the ground, lying on my stomach. Looking up, I could see he was confused, looking around to see what it was, but he shrugged it off, going back to his conversation with Liam. I found myself crawling to a tree nearby, before I shrieked as loud as I possibly could.

"Did you hear that?" I heard Zayn ask, making me giggle.

"Yeah... it sounded like it came from over there.." Harry replied.

"Zayn, why don't you go check it out." I heard Liam say. It took him a little bit of convincing, but finally, Zayn reluctantly agreed.

I heard feet crunching the autumn leaves that had fallen, stripping the once green trees bare, just in time for winter. Closer and closer, so, so slowly. Crunch... Crunch... Crunch. "3... 2.... 1.." I whispered, before jumping out, and screaming at the top of my lungs. Immediately, I started uncontrollably laughing, watching as the boy fell to the ground screaming, peicing together what happened. The other boys ran over, barely being able to stay upright from laughing. I, on the other hand, was already on the ground, laughing more than I could handle. Tears slowly found their ways from my eyes, traveling down my cheeks.

Zayn's face turned incredibly pink as he sat up. "You have 5 seconds to run." He said looking me dead in the eyes. Zayn was a fairly fast runner, but I was pretty fast, too, if I do say so myself. My body was struggling to run, because of how hard I had still been laughing. The next thing I knew, I was laying face down in the grass, with a fairly heavy 19 year old boy on top of me.

Then I felt more weight on top of me.

Then more.

Then more.

Then more.

"DOGGY PILE!" I heard 5 boys scream.

Great, I thought, I already couldn't breathe, and now there's no chance of it.

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