Chapter 29.

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*Skylar's POV*

  "Zayn, I..." Tears raced down my face as I spoke, barely able to choke words past the giant lump in my throat. All of the anger from the previous hour immediately evacuated my body, only leaving butterflies in my stomach. At that moment, there weren't butterflies, though. Instead, were big birds of every assortment, fluttering their wings, trying to escape.

  "Of course.." I muttered so quietly I was questioning if the words even left my mouth. A smile wriggled it's way onto Zayn's lips, his legs straightening so that he was in a standing position. I soon found myself jumping into his arms, happily crying into his shoulder. His warm breath fell on my neck in short breaths, before a quiet whisper found it's way to my ear, telling me that he loved me.

"I love you too." I replied. We stayed hugging for a while. A silence falling over us. It wasn't uncomfortable, though. Thoughts ran through my mind, making me debate if I REALLY wanted to leave in a week. Did I REALLY want to risk losing this? Us? HIM? No. I couldn't.

  But that's the problem, you see. This is all I could ever do. And once I got back we could be super happy forever and ever. With nothing to mess it up. Yeah. I had to. My mind finally convinced itself to still go into the military, whilst I stood in Zayn's warm embrace. "Zayn? Why, though? I mean.. why not wait until I come back?" I asked, taking a step back from him. His arms tightened around my waist, pulling me back into him.

  "Truly, madly, deeply, I am, foolishly completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in.." he whispered, his eyes flicking between my two eyes, deciding which to stare into. "I needed you to have something, something to hold on to whilst you're gone.. to remind you, of this moment here. To remind you my feelings for you will NEVER change. Because no matter what, you are my princess, and we WILL have our happily ever after. Remember? I love you, Skylar."

  I didn't know how to reply. My mouth opened, as if words were going to make their way out. But, it closed right back up. No sound ever leaving it. Instead, my arms made their way around Zayn's neck, pulling the rest of my body into his, hugging him tightly, once again. "I love you too.." I mumbled as tears steadily slid down my face. Next thing I knew, Zayn's lips were pressed to mine, both pairs moving in sync with each other.

"Alright, let's go home.." his hand wrapped around mine, pulling me forward after we broke apart. Once we finally got back to OUR flat, I crawled into his bed, admiring the ring on my finger. No, it wasn't super huge, nor did I want it to be. He kept it low profile, which made my heart flutter. His arm slid around my waist, like it had so many nights in a row. Only, this time, we were that much closer.

 ---- The Next Morning ----

  4 o'clock? FOUR?! IN THE MORNING?!?! I couldn't believe I had been lying there that long.. Just thinking.... "Sky? Are you awake?" I heard a light whisper. "Yessir.. I can't sleep." I replied, sighing. "Me either." Zayn pulled the duvet off the both of us, exposing our bodies to the cold, bitter air. I moaned, burying my face into his chest.

"Come on, get up."

"What? Why?" I asked scrambling to grab the black and white heaven of warmness from the bottom of the bed.

"Because! Please? For me?" he asked, ripping it back off.




  Reluctantly, I sat up in the bed, glancing into the dark outside the window. "Get dressed." he instructed. Following orders, I slid on jeans and a sweatshirt. As I finished Zayn's hand found mine, pulling me through the front door and into the super cold air outside. As London weather goes, it was raining really hard outside, causing me to run and literally jump into Zayn's car.

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