Chapter 23.

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Guys, look. I changed my name again. Haha c: I like this one wayyy better than the other one, and I'm in another REALLY good mood(: This chapter is dedicated to ILikeCookies0001 because she's awesome and I love her and her story and she helped me come up with what happens! 

And, I decided I'm putting Skinny love as the song here because I'm absolutely fucking addicted to it and I can't stop listening to it and singing it and it's invaded my dreams and omg ekfaklwcfhnkqerjhcqkjh.

Sooo , I hope you like this oneeeee c;

It kind of has nothing to it //:

Oh well, GETCHA BOOTY OVER IT! Haha now I feel ghetttoo..... weird O.o


Alright, all done.

Byee ^-^ 

Stay Lovely :) xx


*Skylar's POV*

  The judge's deep voice was the only sound in the room. Everyone was dead silent, not daring to make a sound, or move. All eyes were pinned to the front of the room, where the very anticipated answer lied.

  "GUILTY!" he bellowed, before banging his gavel on the wood below, and standing to leave us to our own thoughts. I immediately turned and hugged Zayn, crying into his shoulder. I heard him quietly soothing me, tears falling from his eyes as well. People around us were cheering, Zack being pulled behind a fairly large wooden door, that led to a place unknown to me. But I didn't care. He was in jail. Serving for what he did. "I'm so proud of you, Skylar." I heard Zayn's deep voice whisper in my ear. 

  I felt a smile creep it's way to my lips as I pulled back momentarily, before kissing him. A bunch of lights flashed next to us, but we didn't care. No one was ruining this moment for me. NO ONE. I pulled away breathlessly, before saying, "I hope they liked that." he chuckled lightly, brushing my hair from my face before saying, "Who cares? I know that I liked it, and that's enough for me." I smiled, a warm feeling spreading through me, almost like happiness. Knowing that I had someone there, no matter what. I just, I loved that feeling. The feeling of being loved.

  I pulled him closer to me once again, wrapping my small arms tightly around his torso, and resting my tired head in the crook of his neck. I literally could lay there forever, just being in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body surrounding mine, the smell of his cologne invading my nostrils. "I love you." I whispered, not being able to help it. It would be correct to say I was feeling fairly overwhelmed. I was just so happy, something I hadn't felt in a very long time. Something I really needed. My whole body trembled, like it had been since the very moment I walked into the courtroom.

  He pulled away from me, his arms wrapped gently around my waist, his brown eyes looking into my blue ones. Tears were still slowly, and silently, making paths down our cheeks, but we still didn't care. The paps already had loads of pictures of us crying, this time, they know why. "I love you too." he replied quietly, before placing a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth, leaving my stomach full of butterflies. I smiled up at him before remembering who I had to thank for this. I turned around to see Kaylie packing up her things, smiling to herself. I didn't know if it was allowed but I'm a daredevil, so I latched my arms around the small woman, whispering a quiet "Thank you so much." into her ear. I felt her chuckle, pulling away. I retracted my arms, and crossed them over my chest. "You're very welcome. I'm glad I could help, Skylar. Just remember, everything will be just fine." she said, smiling at me.

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