Chapter 2.

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"To counter this addiction,

you got me on a mission,

tell me darlin'

can I get a break somehow

could I say no?

She's got a love like Woe.

Girl's gotta love like Woe"

I woke up to Love Like Woe by The Ready Set blasting next to my bed. Weird, I thought I turned off my phone last night...... Maybe I turned it on before I went back to sleep or something. After a few seconds of wondering about my phone, I realized there WAS a reason it was ringing. A smile instantly spread across my face when I saw Zayn's name on my screen. I cleared my throat so that he didn't think he woke me and then I answered.


"Hey Skylar... I have a question.."

"Okay, shoot."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go back to that park and meet my friends? You know, the rest of One Direction?"

"Uhmm, I'll have to check my schedule....... Nope. I'm busy that day." I said, jokingly.

"Okay. But I never told you a date..." Zayn said, catching on.

"Darn. You caught me. But, I never have plans except you know, running around bumping into random people at 2:00 in the morning, the usual."

"I thought I was the only one!" Zayn gasped.

"Oh well, obviously not!" I giggled. It surprised me how much I had been laughing when I talked to Zayn. He just had that effect on me. It had been a LONG time since I had last laughed. It felt good.

"Well! That just hurts! But your laugh is cute." he said. I could almost hear him winking through the phone.

"Aww shucks." Good thing he couldn't see me, I was blushing like mad.

"Well gosh darn, Skylar! When are ya gonna come down yonder and see me?" He said in an attempt at a country accent. He failed horribly.

"When do you want? I feel like it should be night time so that my mum will be drunk and not ask a ton of questions and you guys won't be seen as easily. Sound good?"

"Yes ma'am! Meet us at the park at 1:30 A.M. okay?" He asked.

"Yessir. Now I have to go.... I need to shower. I smell of puke and alcohol."

"Hmm, I thought I smelt something but I didn't want to say anything.."

"Ha ha very funny. I'll text you when I'm on my way ok?"

"Okay! See you then babe. Bye."


After that, I grabbed a towel, light blue torn skinny jeans, a white V-neck and my unmentionables. I stepped into the warm water letting the jets hit my cold shivering body. After running Herbal Essences through my hair, and finishing clensing my body of the horrid smell that IS my mum, I stepped out into the cold air that nipped at my naked body and quickly grabbed the towel. I slipped on my under clothes then threw my hair up into the towel on top of my head.

Next, I put on my torn skinny jeans, which was a battle within itself, and slipped my shirt on. I let the towel fall off my head and quickly picked it up, using it to dry my hair a little. I checked my phone and to my surprise it was eight o'clock. Damn, I slept late. I decided to let my hair air dry to it's natural wavy mess to be dealt with later.

My legs carried me to the empty living room. Then I walked to the kitchen and came up with the same result. Empty. I wasn't surprised, though. Mum was probably out doing drugs or something. I sat down on my bed and started to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" I don't know why, but I do find it very interesting. Checking the time, my eyes got huge. " 1:20?!" I screamed. Wow, I was really stuck in that book. I ran into the bathroom to check my hair. It surprisingly looked really good. Except my bangs. They were styled to the left, and looked just plain horrible. As quickly as my hands could go, I straightened them, and unplugged the flat iron, preventing a fire.

I ran out, grabbing my worn out white vans, slipping them on over my socks, and an old hoodie. My phone was put into my pocket as I ran out the door. It was going to take me at least 30 minutes to walk there and it was already 1:25. Great going, Skylar. I texted Zayn, telling him I'd be there as fast as I could. That's when I saw a sight I did not want to see, no matter what had happened in the past, I didn't want this to happen. I needed my mum. I couldn't believe the sight I was seeing, I felt like I was about to throw up. I ran to try and help.

Then it happened.

I was too late....

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