Chapter 10.

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*Skylar's POV*

"Dad, where are you going?" I said. I looked up to my father. He had a large suit case and his coat and wallet. His wallet looked... fuller than usual. He looked down at me. He was about 6'5 at my mere 5'1. I didn't grow much from ages 13 to 16. But, since I was 13, I had a pretty good idea as to what was going on. I wasn't completely clueless, my dad was leaving. I just needed confirmation. I had heard about people fighting for who got custody of their children. Sadly when my parents fought about it they were arguing who had to take care of me rather than who got to keep me. Of course, neither of them wanted me. My dad had a look of anger on his face "I'm leaving." I was still shocked.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open for a moment. I could hear my mom sobbing from the other room. I knew they had been fighting for a while but, I never thought one would leave. "But you can't! Dad! We need you here! We won't have much money after you leave! You know that! Mum doesn't have a job! I'm too young for one! Dad, this is unfair!" His arm went back and I braced myself for the impact. It wasn't the first time he had hit me. He did it frequently actually, and mum never tried to stop it.

I opened my eyes to see him putting his arm back down. I thanked god inside my head that what could be the last time that I saw him, he didn't hurt me. But that meant he wasn't drunk. Which meant he actually wanted to do this. That means he's probably never coming back. I didn't care about all the other times. I didn't care, at that moment every time he slapped me. Or punched me. Or kicked me. Or screamed at me for no reason because he was drunk. I ran to him and hugged him. I hugged him as tight as I possibly could. He hesitated at first. But soon his arms were wrapped around my small body. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "No, Sky. It is fair. I'm sorry. Things just aren't working out between me and your mum. I'm sure you'll find a baby-sitting job or something. Trust me. It will be fine." I pulled back and said, "Ok, dad. I understand. But promise me, promise me that you'll come and see me? Please?" He gave me a sad smile as he said "I pinky promise." I smiled and we looped our pinkys together, making a done deal. I never broke pinky promises. EVER. To me, they meant business. Even when I was older. ALWAYS. He turned and walked out the door. I felt a single tear drip down my face.

He didn't keep that promise.

*Zayn's POV*

As soon as I got to the hospital, I quickly turned off the car and ran inside the hospital. Once there, I pushed the lock button and hoped it worked. Louis would KILL me if his car got stolen. I ran to the elevator but it was taking far too long. So I ran. Up the stairs. The 6 flights of stairs. I didn't care though. Whatever it took to get to Skylar, I would do it. I needed to see her. NOW. Before she died...

I mean, she might not. It was just a seizure. Wow, that sounds nice. Just a seizure. But isn't it normal for that to happen during comas? I mean.. it sounds right.. doesn't it? Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that I NEED to see her. That's all that matters to me right now.

So I just kept running, two steps at a time, up the stairs.Once I looked up to see a big " 6 " on the wall above me, I opened the door and once again, took off running. Once I got to the door with a label next to it that said, " Room 637 " Then it hit me.

"Hmm, okay," I said as I thought of another question to ask Skylar, "What's your favorite number?" she giggled and said, "Really? That's a lame question. But it's 37." I couldn't help but notice how cute her giggle was. I kept my eyes on the road ahead of us and said, "Well, why?" I had taken her out for the day, just me and her. Once again. Just to get to know her. And to make her forget her problems, even if it were only for a minute. I glanced at her whilst she said, "Well, it is pretty random but it's because I couldn't figure out which one I liked better. 3, or 7. So I smashed them together and BOOM out came 37."

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