Chapter 11.

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So this chapter MAY be pretty shitty :o I want something to happen but, I'm not sure what. There is definitely gonna be drama next chapter. Maybe a little in this one. Sorry if tis boring. I tried making this chapter as long as I can... If you haven't noticed, this story is slowly writing itself. I'm just writing what I think of. Then of course after, I regret it and feel as though I should have said something else so, please bare with me. Also, please leave comments. Telling your opinion? Otherwise I just feel that the chapters suck. This chapter is dedicated to @hafsam10 because she is awesome... Haha she is super sweet but really funny ((x So, I hope you like this shitface chapter cx And, the link is Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. Haha I love him ^-^ I love you all. As always, Stay Lovely :) xx


  *Skylar's POV*

  On the way home I just sat, staring out the window, and smiling like an idiot. I could faintly hear "Little Bird" By Ed Sheeran flowing from the quiet radio. If you fall asleep, it wouldn't be the worst thing. I sang inside my head. I had been dying to sing it aloud. It had been so long since I heard music. Plus, not to mention, Zayn was being deadly quiet. I mean, you would think that after I almost died, he would want to talk to me. I had SO MANY questions to ask him but, I didn't feel like I had any rights to say a word. So I kept quiet. It wasn't even a comfortable silence, though. It was..... Awkward. 

  There seemed to be mixed feelings. After Zayn had helped me into the car (Since I'm kind of... rusty at walking since it's been so long) he jumped in the driver's seat and looked at me. He smiled but, it didn't quite meet his eyes. His eyes looked slightly happy that I didn't die but, they held anger and confusion. I'm just going to guess it's because of the thing that happened with Evan. No, I don't even call him "Dad" or "Daddy" or "Father" he was NEVER one of those to me. Anyways, I feel like that's not the entire reason he's so mad.

  As I reached my hand out to turn up the radio, Zayn's eyes flicked to my wrist. Then my eyes went to my wrist. Shit. ShitShitShitShitShit. I thought. I quickly brought my hand back to my lap and turned it so he couldn't see my wrist. Oh, lord I hope he didn't see. I said. My bracelets were gone. I guess they had to take them off or something. I looked over to Zayn and I saw something new in him. He looked.... sad, now. Sad, confused, and pissed. What if he saw them when I was unconcious? Oh no. He's gonna kill me. I know it. He's going to murder me! I thought. I started panicking. I felt my heartbeat pick up. What is he going to say? Did anyone else see it? Did he tell anyone? Is he even going to say anything? Did he even see anything? There were so many questions going through my mind but, instead of showing my panic, I just sat there. Singing along to Ed's angelic voice. I didn't want him to see me scared. I already hated when he saw me cry. I hate crying. Especially in front of others. It makes me feel weak. I hate feeling weak.

  So, I just sang. I pretended like I didn't notice. Then, I decided to ask him some questions. It was about an hour drive so, I might as well make it less awkward. Right? "So..." I trailed off. "How is everyone?" I slowly let my gaze wander to him. He glanced at me and said, "Fine, I guess. We were all sad whilst you were gone but, you're back now." he said with a smile that, once again, didn't meet his eyes. "Oh." I said. I looked down at my hands that I was absentmindedly playing with. "Well, how are you?" he sighed and said, "I'm fine, now that you're back. I said that." I shook my head, "No, I can see it in your eyes, Zayn. What's wrong? Is it Evan?" I looked through my window to the rain outside. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and it was storming. I wasn't complaining though. I was tempted to ask if he would pull over so we could play in the rain but, I could tell he wasn't in the mood.

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