chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Victoria's P.O.V

I tried my best to step out of the cab with grace in my three inch heels, clad in a black pencil bottom skirt and a floral white blouse. My raven hair clipped back in a high ponytail and out of my face. It was surprisingly warm for this time of year and I did not at all welcome it, because it didn't help that I was already nervous and this façade of bravado that I was holding up could not survive in ninety degree weather. I could feel my scalp going into overdrive and my once straight hair already curling at the roots. Like what even, this was just fantaaasticc, my first day on the job and I was gonna be looking like a hot mess by lunch.

I made my way into the building already earning stares from a few employees. Most of them all looked mean and old, like they were tired of working for "the man".

There was this one lady who actually looked at me with ...pity I couldn't quite place it but I assumed it to be that, based on the way her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes softened in sadness when she saw me.

Maybe they all thought that I was a little too young to be working here, but was determined. I had come from nothing literally nothing so I'm dead set on making something of myself in this company.

I had graduated from oxford last fall at the top of my class. Mom was ecstatic when I got in I was too I mean not everyone gets to attend oxford university and I count myself as fortunate for a being ablt to attend I actually made some pretty coo friends too. But do you know what's not fun about college, the student debt.

I was buried in it

That is why I need this job. One of my mother's old friends hooked me up with an interview here for a position as Edgar Bishop's private secretary. Everyone who was anyone knew about this manwhore, even me. Based on what I've seen on those online articles and in the tabloids, he was one giant dipshit.

Last summer he, had sex with his cousin's fiancee after the wedding ceremony.

Ha that must've been some fucked up wedding reception.

Trust me, I've hard all about his philandering ways and I plan to steer clear on them. His last four secretaries apparently grew too attached and they were cut loose. Fickle hearts, they really thought that he would choose them over all the models and entrepreneurs he'd previously dated. I for one was not gonna fall for that crap. I was here to do my job and cash in on that fat salary at the end of the month.

I mean how hard could it be. I'll just do what's expected of me, don't upset him or any of his whores and then I can make enough money to pay off my student loans and make a better life for my mom and I.

Upon entering the building through those spinning doors at the entrance the addicting smell of coffee wafted straight towards me, It was love at first sight or smell I guess. I just could resist. Befroe I knew it my feet had taken me to the cashier and I was ordering myself a latte. I mean what's the harm i was fifteen minutes early afterall.

After I had gotten my morning dose of happiness and was boarding the surprisingly empty elevator the receptionist gave me a horrified look but I just discarded it.

But the look on her face was haunting. Did someone give her a wedgie.

The elevator ride was quite long since I would be working on the 94th floor(which is utterly ridiculous in itself but whatever) I decided to text my mom to tell her that the day was going great so far. The elevator took about 90 seconds tops to get me to my floor and yes I counted (the little things are important)

Just when the it dinged to signal my arrival I stepped out just about to press the send button and I bumped into a wall nose first and trust me that shit hurt I was already screaming bloody murder in my head but was yet to realize that whatever I bumped into wasn't a wall this wasn't a wall.

Because A) Walls weren't this warm, B) They didn't wear clothes and C) they didn't have fucking NIplles!! Oh Crap! oh crap! oh crap! I knew instantly that I was in a shit load of trouble because this wasn't going to end well. The people that worked here weren't known to be kind and forgiving.

I looked up at the towering man and grew wet instantly. If my body hadn't reacted in such i was towards this fine specimen of a man I would've instantly denied any attraction towards him. I if his face wasn't contorted into a mask of indifference right now i might've actually liked him.

Those bewitching steel grey eyes, that stupid aristocrat nose, those dumb cute little ears, that slight stubble surrounding those soft and lump yet stupid pink which were currently pressed into a thin line . He had smooth midnight black hair just like mine but his was gelled back. I quickly stopped my ogling as I noticed that his handsome features were contorted in a look of anger my breath hitched as i saw that the cup that once held my precious caramel latte was now empty and its contents was now spilled all over his crisp grey Armani suit an don't ask how i know, everyone knows the smell of Armani. I smell all the time, when i pass by their sore downtown, and in my dreams.

Great and here I thought that I could get through this day without any problems. After I muttered out a long string of sorrys I quickly reached into my handbag and pulled out a handful of tissues to help in cleaning his ridiculously expensive suit, mind you my nose still hurt like a bitch, I'm surprised it didn't snap . While I was frantically cleaning his suit he belted out a string of cuss words and then he suddenly caught my wrists ''Excuse me'' I regained my composure '' I am so sorry I should've looked where I was going it's just that I just got this job and i was texting my mom an-" before I could even mutter another word he stopped me

And as if I couldn't get any wetter, he spoke. His voice was very deep and husky and he enunciated each word and syllable

"I'd suggest that you look where you're going next time sweetheart and by the way this is a private elevator'' and then he just walked off and boarded the elevator a cocky smirk on his face leaving me cheeks flushed, shocked and embarrassed.


That's Victoria up there btw.

Peace out!!!!

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