Chapter 10

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A huge thank you to Chocochipmunk101 for the awesome cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edgar's P.O.V.

To say I was surprised was an understatement I was utterly shocked, flabbergasted. Victoria just went in for no warning nothing not to say I didn't like it she was welcomed on my lap any time.

I carefully studied Anastasia's reaction and because I was my father's son to make it interesting I encircled Victoria in my arms to which she stiffened and stared Anastasia right in her face. She was a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode, but before that happened I had to push her to her limits and see how much of this she could take, you might think I'm a cruel person, well I am but this needed to be done. Anastasia has constantly harassed others all her life without apology and now it was her turn to feel uncomfortable and out of place.

Her eyes were clouded with anger and frustration I could tell that she wanted to claw my secretary's eyes out .

''Edgar how are you?''

''I'm fine, you?''

''Not so good this amateur model just signed in with my modeling agency and she's been doing everything totally wrong, it's absurd''

''Is that so well I that's too bad'' I said with fake interest

''What brings you here?''

''Is it a crime to come see your fiance''

''We're not engaged ''

''We will be. We were made for each other can't you see, why in the world would you pick her over me and by the way I know she's just your PA''

''Anastasia say what you will but that does not change the fact that Victoria is my girlfriend''

''Prove it then'' she calmly said

''What? I do not have to get your permission or clearance so therefore I don't have to prove anything .

Now get out!! I bellowed and she flinched I even felt Victoria shiver on my lap which calmed me down.

''This isn't over'' she screeched glaring at Victoria who was now standing .


Victoria's P.O.V.

I was sitting at my desk organizing some files when someone knocked on the door ''come in'' I said while still facing the files.

''Ms. Chase it's 12:15 why haven't you taken your lunch break''

''Oh hello Mr. Bishop I'm just finishing up I'll be going in a minute''

''I actually have a lunch meeting and was wondering if you would join me ehmmm (*clears throat) to take notes and such''

''Ok almost finished''

''There done, let me just get my purse'' I raided through my desk for the purse




When I heard lunch meeting of course I was expecting something high class but damn a five star restaurant for a lunch meeting. I should've just lied and said I had plans , how the hell was I gonna pay for the food here.

Mr. Bishop told the staff we had a reservation and guided us to our table, his clients were a old man and his wife.

''Nice to see you again Edgar is this your wife, she's lovely''

''Hello Mr. king this is my PA, Ms. Chase''

''Hello please call me Victoria''

''I'm Edna dear it's nice to meet you''

After we were all seated the waiter came to take our orders

''We'll have a bottle of your best wine please and I'll have the steak medium rare please, me as well '' piped in Mr. king

''And I'll have the seafood salad with dressing please'' Edna said

then they all looked at me as I was carefully studying the menu my eyes bulging at the ridiculous prices

''Umm what would you suggest Mr. Bishop''

''The Chicken Alfredo is really good'' he said with the slightest hint of a smile

''Well I'll have that then'' I said silently praying that the price was reasonable or I would be on dish duty.

'After we finished our meal the men started to talk business while Edna and I chatted.

''Are you seriously telling me you guys are not a couple''


''Didn't you see all the glances he kept sneaking your way, even now he's looking at you''

I turned around and made direct eye contact with Mr. Bishop, I just know that my facial features betrayed me and I was as red as a tomato right now.

''I saw that '' she said

''oh young love''

to this I chuckled and I'm pretty sure from my peripheral vision I saw Mr. bishop smile

''Is he taking you to the Charity ball as his plus one this weekend''

''What ball?''

''Anyone who's anyone in the business world will be there my husband and I will be attending I hope to see you''

''We must get going now Edgar we'll see you at the ball''

''Goodbye Mr. King see you there Edna''


We were back at the company and Mr. bishop called me to his office.

I knocked and was invited in he was just finishing off a phone call when I entered

''Yes she'll be there on Thursday Emily bye''

''Ms. Chase I need you to be my plus one for the Hampton's annual Charity ball on Saturday''

''OK what time will it be''

''8:00 PM and it's a black tie event so I called my sister and I'll take you to her boutique on Thursday to find a dress and shoes and whatever else is needed''

''You shouldn't have I'm sure I could've found something on my own''

''It's ok I wanted to''

''Umm Sir will Anastasia be there''

''I'm not sure but I do have a feeling she will be, she never misses a chance to be in the limelight.

Great just what I needed that leprechaun on my case.

''Are you sure it's ok I don't want to force you''

''No no I'm fine when did you say it was again''


''I'm gonna have to coach you on being my girlfriend so she doesn't intimidate you, we'll start tomorrow''

''OK'' how much weirder could this get.


Vicky's outfit up there

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