Chapter 25

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Omg munchkins, my book has gotten so much support from you guys thank you so much I love you all!!!!!!!!!

Heads up, most of this is in Italian.


Victoria's P.O.V.

What the hell would this Michael guy want with me , I don't even know what he looks like much less actually know him.

And why did Anna's dad conspire with him to take over the mob or mafia ,whatever it is, I know his aim must have been power or money but wasn't he getting enough of that as third in command, or maybe he just wanted it all.

''Honey I can practically see the wheels turning in your head, what are you thinking'' my mom asked quizzically

''Um well you know that Charity Ball that I went too...'' I trailed off


''Well...... after the ball when I forgot my purse and went to get it Edgar and I found a note and the person addresses me as Victoria Romanov so I think someone already knows about me and I have a feeling I know who it is'

''Where's the note''

''My boss has it because I didn't want anything to do with it''

''Who signed it''

''The signature was MB''

''Oh my gosh do you know what this means.......... he knows, Michael knows'' she held her head in frustration

''What does this Michael guy want from us''

''I don't know why he would target you specifically, he despises our mafia because he sees us as competition and a threat but how did he find out about us, about you''

''I don't know but I'm gonna find out''

Mom had a faraway look in her eyes for a second, I examined her line of sight and saw her looking through the window at a tree


no answer


''Someone's there''


''Behind the trees, stay here I'll be back'' she stood up

''No, I'll come with you'' she smiled at me

''Stay behind me ok''

I nodded

We sneaked out of our back yard and hid in between our many trees and saw a man not far from us looking at our house, who the hell is he.

We snoke out behind him and mom tripped him down swung a right hook to his face probably breaking his nose and jabbed him in the stomach and put a dagger she had tucked in her boot to his throat.

''Who are you?''

''Non ti dirò mai niente (I'll never tell you anything) he answered in Italian well it's a good thing I happen to know 5 languages.

''Dimmi solo chi sei, Sarà molto più facile fidarmi di me, ti ucciderà se non lo farai (just tell us who you are I'll be a lot easier trust me, she is gonna kill you)

''Non lo avrebbe fatto (she wouldn't)''

''this is taking forever he isn't giving in so...'' she trailed the dull edge of the blade across his throat

''Va bene va bene (OK, OK)'' he finally gave in.

''Sono la tua guardia del corpo della signora Chase (I'm your body guard Ms. Chase)'' he choked out mainly because he was scared shitless that she would cut his throat, with everything I just found out I don't doubt her for one second though

''Che cosa significa guardia del corpo, che ti ha assunto? (What do you mean bodyguard, who hired you?)''

He turned his head, signaling that he would not say anymore

This bastard was getting on my nerves

I held his throat in my gasp and squeezed a little, he started to struggle and I stopped

''Ora, dimmi chi ti ha mandato? (Now tell me who sent you?)'' I roared out

''Il mio capo(My boss)'' I squeezed on his windpipe again why the f*ck does he have to make things so complicated

''Chi è il tuo capo? (Who is your boss?)''

''Che non lo dico (that I will not tell you)''

''What is he saying'' mom questioned

''He doesn't want to tell me anything, but let's check his clothes he might have something on him that can help us''

I sifted through his clothing being careful not to touch anything 'important'

''Aha'' I rejoiced at finding a phone

''Qual è il codice(What's the password?)''

''mai (never)''

Can you believe the nerve of this guy, he was supposedly hired to protect me and won't even tell me who hired him.

''Chi sei protetto (Who are you protecting)?''

''Wait a minute I know what this is'' she motioned to his wrist that held a tattoo of a bird carrying a skull in its talons.

''It's the symbol of the Italian Mafia'' she huffed out

''Chiederò ancora una volta, chi diavolo tu sei (I'll ask one more time, who the hell are you?) I seethed, While mom trailed the blade down his arm drawing a little blood .

This dude was involved with a mafia too, just my luck note the sarcasm.

''È meglio se non conosci la signora, ma come vuoi ........ il mio capo è Edgar Bishop, il tuo capo (it's best if you don't know Ms, but as you boss is Edgar Bishop, your boss)



Well that's chapter 25

See ya!!!


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