Chapter 9

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Victoria's mom up there ~_~


Victoria's P.O.V.

It's a bright and sunny Monday morning and I arrived to work at 7 AM sharp. After Mr. Bishop told me the story I was left flabbergasted for a second and trust me if you knew what I knew you would be too.

''It all started in the senior year of high school, my dad sent me to a public high school which in his words was to 'expose me to the real world' , Anastasia, was what her minions called the Queen Bee which was just retarded. Anyway she fooled around with almost ever guy in the entire high school well everyone but me she only even went to Everdale High to get close to me so that her dad could make ties with mine. At first everything was fine she kept her distance, but then she slowly started to integrate herself into my group of friends so that she could get to me. I mostly ignored her but the one thing about her is that she has to always be the center of attention and hates being ignored. So she always used to wear theses ridiculously short skirts and picked on the other girls, I didn't notice at first but one day she picked on the shy looking girl I don't know why but I felt really sorry for her because that whore took things too far and made her cry by telling her about her dead father and how she's ugly and no one will ever love her. In my opinion the girl was rather cute and innocent and maybe that's why Anastasia didn't like her she was so clueless that she didn't even know half of the school's population liked her, they liked Anastasia yes but in a different way they knew she was a walk over and would easily give them what they wanted but not this girl she was quite most of the times but was never really afraid to voice her opinions. After we all graduated from high school, the girl and I tying for the valedictorian spot we all went our separate ways. I heard she got a scholarship to a prestigious college, Anastasia became a model and I took over my dad's company, but one night I ran into Anastasia at a bar and she looked horrible I was just gonna ignore but she recognized me, she vented all of her trivial problems and to keep myself from actually listening or walk away I drank a couple glasses of whiskey but that doesn't usually get me drunk , to tell you the truth a think she slipped me something. Next morning I woke up with a pounding headache and a smiling Anastasia next to me. After that she's just been randomly been visiting my office and telling lies to the tabloids, after which I dumped her ass over a text and she's been pestering me ever since''

''Well that was interesting''

''Yep, the story of my life'' he said with a lazy smile

''Thanks for telling me ''

''I should get going''

''I'll take you''


He took me home and drove away in his sleek black porsche which of course had my mom asking questions.

******END OF FLASHBACK*******

I was snapped out of my Mr. Bishop's voice over the intercom

''Ms. Chase can you come to my office please''

''Be right their Sir''

I walked to his office in steady strides and finally reached the large Mahogany doors and knocked

''Come in''

''How may I help you Sir''

''I was told that Anastasia has made another surprise visit she just boarded the elevator''

''OH MY GOD what are we gonna do our cover is gonna be blown'' I panicked

''Edgar guess who brought you lunch'' she started to turn the knob without even knocking

I quickly did the first thing that came to mind and jumped on Mr. Bishop's lap.

Here I was, sitting on my boss' lap and playing with his silky smooth hair as the she devil walked in on us.

I quickly plastered on a fake smile

''Oh Anastasia what a pleasant surprise'' I greeted as her mouth hit the floor.


OOOOOHHHH SPICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet Anastasia wants to claw her eyes out now.

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Until next time


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