Chapter 23

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Victoria's P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside my bedroom window, singing there sweet melody it seemed calm me for a while but then everything that transpired yesterday came crashing down on me.

My own mother broke my trust, lied to me all my life .

I might be overreacting to some but no one knew how I felt right now, no matter what people say when they try to console

They know how much it hurts

Time heals all wounds

She must've had her reasons


They have no idea how hurt and betrayed I feel right now. All those birthdays when I cried myself to sleep hoping he would come see me, I'd ask her even to see a picture of him but she'd always tell me that she had none.

So I grew up a fatherless child not even a photo to remember him by, she told me he had died before I was even born and now I struggled to even believe that.

All these years my own mother made me feel alone and empty , I knew she would always be there for me and I still loved her even though I felt that she hid a big part of my life from me but there are some things even a mother cannot teach a child.

I felt so confused and angry. She refused to even show me a photograph of my dead father.

What was the harm in that?

Was he that bad of a person that she did not want me to even see his face and thought it was better for me to dwell on my imagination all these years.

Why would she do this to me?

My mind kept swirling in an angered haze thought after thought racing threw my brain about my father and the woman two doors down from me who had lied straight to my face all these years.

It first I was in denial thinking that it couldn't be my mom loved me and wouldn't to this to me, she wouldn't.

But even when Emily cam to my rescue to console me when she heard my heart wrenching cries saw the uncanny resemblance between us.

I was going to confront her while yesterday but she had the night shift at the hospital and didn't return home until early this morning and by then I had already cried myself to sleep. I made sure to put all the pictures back in their correct places except the one I have of them in a park in some foreign country.

I would play my cards right even though I have been dealt a shitty hand. I would make my mother confess whatever she is hiding from me.

I decided to put my plan into action and took a shower put my long locks into a high ponytail to keep them out of my face and wore denim jeans with a flowy red crop top and my red vans.

Time to get this show on the road, I just hope that she would give in and spill it.

I ascended the stares and made my way into the kitchen and was immediately greeted with the wonderful smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes .

Perfect. Today she has to go to work until 10 that should be enough time for me to get it out of her because I knew she wouldn't tell me willingly if she could keep it to herself for 22 years.

''Hi mom'' I gave a fake smile

''Good morning honey, why so happy'' she said in her exotic accent , I still don't know where she got that from though it sounds almost Russian but she was Hispanic well at least that's what she told me.

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