Chapter 24

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SUNDAY- After they came back from their trip

3:00 AM


Edgar's P.O.V.

After we arrived back from our trip I took her home and sped down the road to my warehouse. Someone was stealing my shit and they were gonna pay I treated everyone of them like family so I was appalled and pissed when I heard of this from Liam, and if there's one thing I've had enough of, it's betrayal.

And after I'm finished with the bastard I could get the info that Alex had at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

I pulled up to the huge warehouse that didn't look like much on the outside but you'd be surprised at what was in here.

As soon as I stepped into the building silence permeated the room, you could seriously hear a pin drop.

''Line up'' I barked out

One by one they lined up.

''So I hear one of you is stealing my shit, now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, the easy way being you confess and I fuck you up or the hard way whereby you don't fess up and I fuck you then kill you, so start talking'' I gave them a soul piercing glare and sat on a chair in the middle of the room playing with my gun.

No one said a word well looks like the fucker had more balls than I thought but that would be the death of him.

Everyone watched me with fear in their eyes as I got up from my chair and slowly walked to the first person in the line my gun to their leg.

''Ok listen up my little amigas I'm gonna start with this guy here as my first example of what happens when you steal from me and as I come down the line the shots will get deadlier'' I let out I dark chuckle


I shot the unsuspecting guy in his leg, cutting my little speech short.

I shot the next guy in his shoulder.

I already knew who the traitor was wasn't far down the line but I wanted him to witness this and make him want to be the first guy cause his punishment would be much worse.


I was almost their


I shot this one in his stomach


Well hello Issac

I stopped in front of him purposely looking him in the eyes

And him looking anywhere but mine

I put the gun to his head and was about to pull the trigger but I was stopped by him screaming like a bitch

''It was me, i-it was me ''

''Why'' I growled out

''Some guy offered me a deal that if I stole from you and decreased the quantity of your shipments that he would pay me twice as much as you pay me'' he choked out afraid that I might pull the trigger of the gun still pressed to his forehead but he was gonna die anyway.

''Who?'' my questions were short and clipped

''I don't know I never saw his face'' his voice trembled out, I could laugh right now is he serious helping a guy and he doesn't even know who the hell he is, he was stupider than I though

''So you betrayed me for money huh, well let's see how useful it'll be when your dead'' I pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Someone clean up this mess

From my peripheral vision I saw Alex approaching me

''Here's the info you asked for'' he handed me a blue ledger with files



After my little visit to the warehouse I went straight to my office I haven't even sleep since yesterday I kinda tired but I have to go through these files, I took my private elevator all the while reminiscing on our first encounter.

She's a clumsy one, and the only person who would dare speak to me like that.


Seems she's already tearing down my walls and the surprising part is I'm letting her.

I entered my spacious office and plopped down on my leather chair and starting looking through the files.


7:00 AM

I've been sitting here reading this shit over and over again, this can't be possible, it just doesn't make sense how does Victoria Chase not exist.................. unless

Picked up my phone and dialed Alex's number.

''Sir'' he answered gruffly

''Yeah, I need you to get all the information you can on Victoria Romanov and send it to me pronto''

''Ok it'll be there in 5 minutes max''

''Good'' I ended the call


Where have I heard that name before , my late father, Nikolai used to speak of that name.


I heard my computer make a sound

As expected of Alex

It wasn't much info but I read the caption of the info he sent me

It's not much but it's either she's too important for anyone to know about or she doesn't exist and I'm pretty sure it's not the latter.

Victoria Romanov


Date of birth; May 25,1993

Parents: Victor and Vasilisa Romanov

Victor Romanov was one of my father's enemies but how could he be Victoria's dad he never had a kid as far as anyone knows.

My father was an idiot if you ask me he was too blinded by his greed and that was his downfall, he made my mother and I suffer bringing some bastard child home from a one night stand with some random whore , my mother said nothing she took care of Jonathan without a complaint, treated him as her own but nothing was ever good enough for that idiot I used to call dad, he treated her like a toy or and old coat you could just pick up when you needed it and put it down when you were done only to repeat the same cycle again, he was the reason that she committed suicide, it was his fault that she left me.

And now look where I'm at, in love with his enemies daughter.

Pfffttt I'm pitiful.

Wait a minute that note someone did knew



I see some of my munchkins are asking when I update

well......... I mostly update on Saturdays when because I have free time and maybe even during the week, what can I say I'm unpredictable sometimes because ideas just randomly crash land into my brain and then I just incorporate them into my story so I hope this maybe answers your question.

Until next time my munchkins


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