Chapter 29

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Victoria's P.O.V.

I was so tired and was struggling to keep my eyes open

''You can go to sleep you know, I won't eat you'' he joked

''No I'm fine I can't stop thinking about my mother I hope she's okay'' I sighed

''Trust me your mom seems like someone who can take care of herself'' he chuckled

Is it wrong that I was just staring at him in awe right now he was the perfect man in my eyes, no one's perfect, but to me he came incredibly close, I have to keep my emotions and hormones in check but everything about him was so tempting and god like it made me feel so wrong even thinking about my boss in that way, I bet he only sees me as some employee he's trying to help.

''Ahmmm '' he cleared his throat

''So....'' I continued

''What is your aspiration in life'' I gazed into his eyes

''To be happy I guess'' I burst out laughing


''Did you just quote Beyoncé'' his eyebrows creased

''No know seriously don't know who Beyoncé is'' I was truly shocked

''Of course I know who she is, I've met her but did she really say that'' he asked genuinely intrigued

''Ok so you're telling me that you've had the chance to meet one of the greatest singers and you haven't even heard one of their songs''

''Well my life is very different from yours , up until today I never really had time for anything but work''

His lips were once again pressed into a thin line

''Well maybe we can change that'' I turned on the music in the car and my favorite song came on so I started singing

Feeling used, but I'm still missing you and I can't see the end of this, just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by, but I still can't seem to tell you why it hurts me every time I see you realize how much need you.

I hate you

I Iove you

I hate that I love you

Don't want too but I can't put nobody else above you

I hate you

I love you

I hate that I want you

you want her

you need her and I'll never be her

The whole while he just kept looking at me in fascination, but I just kept singing while he laughed

''Great voice''

''Thanks'' I blushed

We drove a little while longer and then I was out like a light


I awoke to the aroma of sausages and it compelled me to get up

I then realized I didn't know where I was but calmed myself when I remembered I must be in our villa in Russia I looked out the frost covered window to look upon nothing but snow miles and miles ahead, but the interior of the house was massive I could tell because the room that I'm in is the size of both my bedroom and living room back home.

I really needed to take a shower but I had no clothes and I really did not want to wear the ones I had on, again.

Luckily there was a walk in closet and there were a couple of dresses in it. Thank god they were all long sleeved

I took a nice warm shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed in pink long sleeved dress, it was quite nice and I happen to love pink.

My hair was thrown in a huge messy bun at the top of me head.

I descended the stairs and a huge foyer came in view at looked like a freaking hotel lobby, I followed the scent of the beautiful sausages and by the time I reached the kitchen my mouth was watering.

My eyes caught sight of Edgar's back and how the muscles rippled through his shirt every time he made a move, I just leaned forward on the island and enjoyed the show from behind until he noticed me.

''Good morning Victoria''

Damn, that was so short lived

''Uh hi'' he smiled at me

''You can sit breakfast is almost ready this is um well I don't know his name but he let us in this morning when he saw you and helped cook breakfast, you should talk to him ''

''Uh okay'' I was mesmerized by him, but I hoped he didn't see me ogling Edgar

''Доброе утро, юная мисс Я александр (good morning young miss, I am Alexander)''

''Привет, Александр, я Виктория, рада с вами познакомиться (hello Alexander, I'm Victoria it's nice to meet you)'' I said to the elderly man

''Я буду в четверти прислуги, если понадоблюсь (I'll be in the servant's quarters if you need me miss)

I sat at the island and soon there was a wide array of dishes before me

I didn't know what the hell half of them were called but they tasted delicious

I completely devoured breakfast, I hope I didn't seem like a pig

''Wow you sure eat a lot for a girl''

''What is that supposed to mean, do you prefer to eat with those models who put on that plastic face when their eating a salad but on the inside they just wanna eat a burger and fries but pretend that their full just to keep up appearances''

''Actually no, I like a woman with a big appetite, in all aspects'' he smiled wickedly

I blushed , Shit

Get your mind out of the gutter

He kept staring at me from across the table

Why do I have the feeling that he knows what I'm thinking about

Oh shit, I just want to crawl into a hole right now

''What is there to do around here?''

''I should be asking you that, after all this is your house''

''Well it's not like I come here very summer I didn't know this place existed until a couple hours ago''

''What would you like to do''

''Uh well I was wondering if you would do me a favor''

''And what might that be''

''I want you to teach me self defense, and.............

His eyes hardened and I knew if he was angry about that, he would not like the rest but I have to do this.

''Teach me to use a gun''



She wants to learn whatttttttt

from whommmmmm

stay tuned for more

Until next time


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