Chapter 43

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Victoria's P.O.V

I arose to rays of sunlight peeping through the curtains on my face and Edgar's back turned my way as he stood at the door in nothing but a towel taking a phone call.

And just as I was about to look away he turned around and our eyes met, he smiled and I reciprocated

"Everything is all set" he continued his conversation and I tried to get out of bed

"Ouch" I hissed, my freaking legs hurt like hell

"Good, by dawn tomorrow this will all be taken care of"

He ended the call after their goodbyes, I wonder who it was

"That was an old friend of mine, Xander"

"Did I seriously just voice my thoughts again" I face palmed myself

"No, your face kinda says it all" he sat next to me at the edge of the bed

This was weird, is this what the morning after 8 rounds of sex feels like.

I was so flustered cause I  literally fell his piercing gaze as he scrutinized me

I wanted to take a shower so badly and my hair was all over the place but I can barely move.

I'll just have to act normal.

All the while his eyes were trailing me with a sly grin on his face

I slowly got out of bed trying to keep my legs from trembling and headed straight to the bathroom with nothing but a comforter protecting my nude figure from his gaze.

I entered the bathroom shutting the door, set the comforter aside  entered the shower , and stood under the warm water as it brought me back to life, rejuvenating my skin and giving my legs some energy to keep me standing. 

After finishing my shower I threw on some denim jeans and a black t- shirt.

I was walking down the halls when a hand tugged me aside into one of the many dark corners in this house . The person's hands were huge so I guessing it was a guy and they made good use of them ,holding my torso in place with one and covering my mouth in the other. I immediately reacted stomping their foot with my own and jabbing the person in the stomach with my elbow and and got them the forts time but unfortunately they caught my arm and twisted it pushing my head up against the wall.

"I'm impressed" He whispered in my ear


"What the hell I thought you were some kind of assassin I was seriously thinking of killing you"

"Well I'm happy you spared me then"
He turned me around  still holding me close

"Me too"

In a flash we were full on making out and couldn't get enough

Finally I had to pull away I needed some air

"Well I guess I'll see you at breakfast then" I said panting heavily and headed downstairs for some breakfast.

Alexander greeted me with a good morning and placed a bowl with lucky charms cereal infront of me he knew me so well.

"Thank you Alex" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and I could've sworn he turned a little pink

"Aw Miss stop selling this old man dreams" I couldn't help but laugh

"Oh, Alex could you give me that tour of the backyard after breakfast please"

"I'd be delighted to, by the way you seem bubbly today, what happened"

"Nothing important"

"Just then Edgar entered the kitchen in one of his sexy Armani suits

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