Chapter 36

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Anastasia's P.O.V.


''Anastasia my darling, how are you''

''I'm fine, how have you been mama?''

''I'm always fine, so did you do what I said''

''Of course''

''I've already contacted our private associate and it looks like everyone will get want they want soon enough well except that little tramp of course'' I chuckled

''Victoria'' my mother spat her name out like it was a huge hair ball that would choke her

''That wretched child she shouldn't have even been born, because of her I've had to live almost half my life in servitude, continuously running and hiding from those idiots, well no more, they will all have a taste of my anguish soon enough I will personally rip everything good away from all of their lives''

I smirked

Get your ass ready Vicky cause your world is about to be turned upside down.


Edgar's P.O.V.

I sat at a huge oak desk preoccupied and bemused at the same time what the hell did Anastasia mean.


While Victoria was still in the dressing room

''You know she can't satisfy you right, she's practically just a little girl,''

She advanced towards me

''But you and I. We go way back
She whispered in my ear

''So I don't know why your making this so hard on yourself'' she traced her hands down my arm, I was starting to cringe

''Anastasia lets get one thing straight'' I pried her off me and backed away from her forceful embrace

''No matter what you think in that crazy little head of yours its not gonna change the fact that I feel nothing towards you but hatred and disgust and you might think that we go way back and that may be somewhat true the rest is just some crazy delusion that you made up to make your self fell better but let make one thing crystal clear there .was. never .and. will .never .be .a .You and I.''

I could tell that she was hurt, even though she was an expert at hiding her true feelings but that's just it, she was too much of an expert and that' s why she can never be trusted.

I couldn't tell what was so interesting that it caught her attention but I noticed her looking behind me and before I could take a look for myself she smashed her disgusting lips onto mine and I heard a sharp intake of breathe.

And that's when the scent I've grown to love hit me like a thousand asteroids.
Sweet vanilla and lavender



Yeah so.........ummm he's in a shitload of trouble, I wonder what he's gonna do

Stay tuned and don't forget to comment and vote my munchkins

Until next time


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