Chapter 21

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Victoria's P.O.V.

The game has just started but the pressure was already on. I had already lost 3 pawns and a knight and had to divulge 4 secret things about myself while he had only lost a pawn.

With every move I made I had only three things in mind develop my pieces, control the center of the board and last but not least protect my king.

I move my knight to the center of the board so he could have multiple ways of attacking but I soon realized I had made a grave mistake my king was in check and Edgar's queen was in the perfect position to capture him, at that moment I knew that I wasn't the victor of this game.

As expected his Queen captured my king.


''So how many secrets was that one worth''

I couldn't say anything I was dumbfounded what did I just do, how did I not see that coming.

''How did you do that'' I asked ignoring his previous question

''Well it wasn't that hard you were so focused on attacking you forgot to take the necessary precautions to protect your king I knew since the game commenced you would be thinking 2-3 moves ahead so I thought I'd lead you on by making you think that I was playing right into your hands but only thing was you were playing right into mine''

''In 8th grade Amy and I made a pact that we'd both get married before we were 25''

''Cute'' he teased

''Do you still believe that''

''Well yes I don't plan on getting married in my thirties and besides I'm still young''

''Huh'' he mumbled in a thinking tone

''Well this ended quickly wanna go for a swim'' he asked

''Sure don't want to waste this beautiful day'' I replied

''I have to change, so I'll meet you outside''

I stepped outside and was met with the smiling sun at was hot outside but not scorching and the water was a beautiful turquoise going too and fro form sea to shore. It really was a beautiful day.

I walked along the shore line for a bit then found a perfect spot to rest it as right next to some rock formations.I was sitting on the sand enjoying the sun and then felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look but there was no one there. Thinking that it was just the wind I turned back and Edgar was in my face and I jumped backwards.

''For the love of Jesus what the hell was that''

''Revenge, and I've never heard anyone use the word Jesus and hell in the same sentence like that'' he smiled quite proud of himself

''For what and I've always been told that I have a way with words?''

''Trying to scare me earlier'' he said in a duh tone

''Well I didn't even succeed''

''But you still did it'' he sounded like an 8 year old


He got up from the sand stood near the walk formations and started to stretched

And it was then that I noticed he was quite muscular he look like a sex god. Those biceps and that perfectly toned body and don't get me get started on his totally lickable abs, he had a freaking 8 pack for crying out loud and his V line and that happy trail that lead to his dic-

''Like what you see'' he said a wicked glint in his vibrant gray eyes

''Pshhhh no I was just-....I was just thinking how one person could be so egotistic''

''Well'' he trailed off walking towards me and came down to my level

''All it takes is a little charm and you've got everyone in the palm of your hand'' he whispered seductively in my ear

''Well Edgar'' I whispered back, inching closer to him

''Keep trying honey'' and I got up and walked away sashaying my hips

And I just knew he was staring at my ass.

I step into the water and just floated for awhile and started to drift out a bit.

I felt a tug on my foot and panicked

''What the hell was that'' I questioned out loud

''BOO'' I screamed

''What the hell is up with you and scaring me''

''I just love messing with ya'' he let out a hearty chuckle that actually made his eyes light up

''Well I don't enjoy almost getting a heart attack every time you pull one of you're schemes''

''You're quite the odd ball Victoria ,I Iike you'' he gave his famous dimpled smile

I just knew that I was blushing a deep red right now.

''Well I don't hate you either'' I teased

''Don't lie I know you love me'' he said in a high pitched girly tone

''Keep dreaming'' I swam away laughing

But I was sure I heard him whisper something under his breath.


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Peace out!

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