Chapter 35

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Victoria's P.O.V.


Why me! why meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know it's in times like these I wish I was invisible. Why things were going so good and then this shit happens, wasn't my life messed up enough. The one person in the world who I'm most scared of seeing me naked is getting a full view of my assets.

Floor please open up and swallow me.......please.

I was left stuck


If I did move, I'd probably fall apart, shit I hope he's not looking I couldn't tell anymore my eyes are squeezed shut and I'm just hoping that this is all a dream. I am not butt naked and stuck in a changing room with my boss, I'm not, I'm at home taking a nap and having a nightmare. Even if I did want this to happen not like this this is not even romantic I must look like freakin idiot right now.

Holy shit!!!!!!!!!

Ok ok just breathe get your shit together calm down.

I peered through my lashes, trying to get a good look at his face

God please let him be heading through the door or something, please!

I caught sight of him we, locking eyes he was looking straight at me.

That's it I've officially died and went to hell, cause the look on his face was anything but angelic, he looked so devilish I could only imagine what he's thinking.

''Umm can you hurry up and leave please'' I said in my sweetest voice hoping to distract his wondering eyes.

He just kept staring

''Eyes up here buddy'' I was freaking pissed this motherfu*ker was staring at my ass

His beautiful silver eyes that seemed to resemble frozen gems in that moment returned to their usual stony stare when I snapped him out of his trance.

''Yeah sure I'll be outside''


I'm sure that bitch Anastasia will be very happy to get him alone. Damn, why is everything just horrible for me today.

First that sales girl, Anastasia and now this.

Well I suppose this shit didn't happen all for naught so I'm gonna roll with it and just not be affected.

I stepped out of the changing room feeling energized and ready for anything, well I thought I was at least but it seems I had another thing coming.

You know that feeling you get when your about to puke your guts out....the bile just slowly rising up your throat readying itself to spew out like hot gossip yeah that's how I felt right no because of the sight I'm currently witnessing.

He was kissing

I mean she was kissing him


They were kissing

I was paralyzed

What is this no...... I could feel the tears forming in my eyes no don't do it, don't cry

I stood there for about......I don't even know how long it must've only been 3 seconds before he ripped her off of him but it felt like minutes to me

I couldn't fight back the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes, I couldn't let them

I couldn't cause if I did, they'd never end. So I did the first thing that came to my mind

I ran

Yeah..... I ran

And that's when it hit, it hit me hard, my eyes were so swollen with tears that as soon as I made a run for it, everything came crashing down.


2 hours later

''Another round!'' I exclaimed to the bartender middle aged bartender

well more like slurred I was pretty wasted but felt really good

''Are you sure you don't want me to take you home'' my new friend who's been keeping me company asked, his name is Ben I think it's short for something but I can't remember.

Whatever it was that I ordered first tasted great and got me to forget everything that happened today, well it least most of it or the parts that I didn't really wanna remember.

But the moment I finished crying my eyes out I realized something,

Something I think I've always known

I'm totally and utterly....................... in love with him.


A gigantic thank you to all of my readers and followers sorry I've been MIA guys

I was just really lazy

Until next time


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