Chapter 5

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Victoria's P.O.V.

It's been a month since I started working for Mr. Bishop and I've already managed to lose almost all of my dignity. Today is Saturday and my friend Amy thought to celebrate my new job we should go out for drinks tonight , and because I rarely go to clubs I have nothing to wear so she told me that she'd pick me up and we'd go shopping. So here I am on a Saturday getting dressed to go to the mall when I could be laying in bed dreaming about cookie dough ice cream and Nutella.

As I just finished doing my make-up ,which was pretty much lipstick and some eyeliner I heard Amy's car pull up in the driveway. I kissed my mom good-bye and went to meet Amy.

''Hi Vicky ready to do some major shopping''

'' OH Amy you never change do you'' I told her with a smile

She fake gasps ''Would you want me to''

''Never , you were always the one to push me to accomplish my dreams'' I said

''That's right Babes and look at you now''

'' Thank you I love you so much''

''You too bish''

''Now let's go and stop being so emotional before you make me cry''


Amy was always like this always sassy on the outside but on the inside she's a big softee

We passed the car ride mainly talking about high school and how all the horny teenage boys use to drool all over her.

'' OH come on Vicky it wasn't just me, I still can't believe that you didn't notice all the lust filled gazes they aimed your way, seriously were you that clueless''

'Of course I wasn't and the only person I recalled who seemed to have an interest in me was the playboy Zack Stilinski but then again he had an interest in anything of the opposite sex''

'Can we stop talking about high school please I think I'm getting a headache from remembering all of those immature idiots I mean come on just because I turned down Zack when he Asked me to the school dance because I had my midterm the next day he tormented me the entire senior year, I mean come on he put glue in my gym shoes and hate mail in my locker, he was psycho''

''OK I get it if you don't want to talk about it lets talk bout something else like........... your BOSS''

''I mean is he hot, is he nice or is he one of those mean grumpy old men''

''Well he is hot ''

''Justin Bieber hot or Chris Hemsworth hot''

''Better than Chris Hemsworth''

'' oh my god you have to be a freaking Greek god to be better than Chris ''

Before she could ask any more questions we were already at the mall

thank god

I breathed a sigh of relief I thought I would have to explain the whole months happenings to her and trust me they were all nothing short of embarrassing.


As soon as we entered the mall Amy hauled me into a boutique but none of the dresses fit my personality it was either they were too short and screamed whore or too long and screamed old lady.

After about two hours and a lunch break of course we went to a boutique named ''Simply you''

They had surprisingly decent dresses based on what I've seen so far I tried on a few of them then I saw this beautiful black short lace dress with sleeves I tried it on and Amy gave her approval.She picked out one similar to mine but hers was white and covered her neck.

After we had paid for everything we exited the mall and made our way back to my house to get dressed.


That's AMY up there

The Billionaire's Secretary जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें