Chapter 8

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That's Anastasia.


Victoria's P.O.V.

It's now 5 AM on a Sunday morning and I only know this because I was rudely awoken by my annoying alarm clock I forgot to reset the damn thing. Anyways I did not want to wake Amy because I was sure she had a hangover and she would probably claw my eyes out for waking her up so early in the morning. So I decided to go for a run, which was a pretty good idea cause it helped me to relax and think about my life, my new job, my boss and how I had to pretend to be his girlfriend. I was living the life ,please note the sarcasm.

While I was lost in my thoughts, apparently there was some guy jogging in front of me and I failed to see him so here I am now flat on my ass with a bruised hand all because of some idiot well it was kinda my fault for not seeing him but still isn't it common sense to avoid bumping into someone, sheesh.

''Crap look where your going next time big guy sheesh'' I told the tall stranger whose face I could not see because of the blinding sunlight.

''Will do Ms. Chase''

''Well thank you. Wait a minute how do you.''

Before I could finish my statement he leaned down and helped me up and my breathe hitched at the face of the stranger

''Mr. Bishop ummm.... hi I didn't know you went for runs on this side of town''

''What do you mean this side of town'' he said with a straight face.

''uuh'' I started to look around and I was appalled at the site before me this wasn't my part of town this side had massive houses and garages, large front lawns, fountains in the huge marble driveways. NO this was not the west side, this was the Upper east side. OMG VICTORIA HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!!!

''Ms. Chase .......''

''Oh I'm fine, sorry about that I'll just get going'' I turned around to leave

''Wait your bleeding'' he pointed to the bruise near my elbow. I knew something hurt like bitch

''Huh oh I'm fine that's nothing''

''It was my fault at least let me help you come on my house is nearby''

''Uhh ok then''

We walked in silence for a while and then finally came face to face with huge estate. Of course his house had to be the biggest of them all you. We walked for at least 5 minutes from the long driveway to the door and he opened it. My breath hitched at the inside of his house a huge crystal chandelier adorned the high ceiling beautiful paintings lined the beige walls and oh the carpeting looked so soft. ''I'll get the first aid kit you can make your self at home'' he said

''okay thank you'' and then he disappeared into the hallway.

Meanwhile I explored the living room.

He even had a fireplace as I was accessing the room I sensed someone behind me and turned around and saw Mr. Bishop looking at me as if he were in a daze.

''Mr. Bishop''

''Oh sorry now lets get that bruise treated''

I sat down backwards on the couch and he started to dress my bruise it was kinda awkward because I fell on backwards on my elbows and they took the blunt of the fall so he had to go behind me to dress it and he sat on the table. It felt really weird.

''I'm sorry for getting you caught up in all of this Ms. Chase'' he said interrupting my thoughts

''No it's fine I owe it to you for not firing me'' I squeaked out completely overwhelmed by this situation and the fact that whatever he put on my bruise made it hurt even more, he didn't seem to notice though.

I was curious about their relationship, Anastasia seemed nice on the outside but turns out she was a psychotic bitch. I wasn't one to pry but right now I was desperate

''What did she do when you guys were in the ladies room''

''Nothing much she slapped me and told me I was a money grabbing whore''


''Yep I suggest you get her checked out''

''So umm why did you guys break up besides the fact that she totally coo coo''

''Do you really wanna know the whole story'' he said in amusement

''Definitely'' I said a little too excited, to this he answered with a raised eyebrow.

''You seem really interested Ms. Chase''

''Well who wouldn't want to know the story behind their boss' horrible break-up ''

''Who told you it was horrible he said'' looking apprehensive

''You just did'' I mused

''Well played'' he smirked

''Thank you'' I responded by flipping my hair with my wounded hand which still hurt like bi*ch and I winced at the pain.

''Always full of surprises huh'' he said in a mock tone

''Whatever just tell the story ok'' I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

''Ok whatever you say''


Sooo........... yeah that's chapter 8 ( if you guys haven't noticed I'm an awkward person)

Until next time


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