Hayden's P.O.V chapter 3

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I had to lie to her right? If she knew I was like my father and brother then she would be terrified of me. I was the worst and the scariest in this house but im trying to practice being nice. My mom is in town and if she saw me mistreat a human then she would kill me herself. She was half vampire and half human

My plan was to be nice to her while mom is here then when mom leaves I am going to kill Jade.

I listen to her soft breaths and once I know she is asleep I pull the bed from underneath the couch and take a nap myself.

I hear Jade get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I push the bed under the couch and wait.

When she walks out I stand up to talk to Jade.
She looks at me and waits for me to continue. "I want you to change and come downstairs with me?"
"Change into what?" she asks. I almost slapped her. Im not used to having human girls talk to me like that.
"Those." I point at the clothes that were on the dresser and watch as she walks to them and picks them up.
"Really?" she holds the skimpy clothes in the air and I smirk.
"Really." mom was gone shopping so i had a few hours to show her to dad and Jayden.

"I am not wearing these." she threw them on the couch in front of me and I walked to her.

I throw her on the bed and take all her clothes off. I get to her bra and rip it off earning an almost scream of hatred from her. I put my hand around her neck.
"Shut up b*tch." I cover her mouth and hand her the clothes. She stands up holding an arm over her boobs and the clothes in her other hand. She walks to the bathroom and I hear a few sobs from the bathroom.

She walked out with her face all red. The black langera she was in looked amazing on her. Her boobs were the hugest of all my slaves. I might keep her for a while. She is probably a good f\ck.

I open the door and listen to her footsteps behind mine. I liked humans to crawl and worship me. I like girls chasing me. I like to beat the living s;it out of humans.

"Dad." I walk through the living room. Dad was sitting on the couch by Jayden and a few young females were on the floor half naked.
"This is Jade." I flash a smirk her way and dad stands up.
"Very nice. " he says. "She is beautiful."

Jayden stands up smiling. "Let me guess. She is the one your showing to mom?"
"Yeah you think mom will fall for the human girlfriend thing? " I ask.

The reason I didn't chose a vampire to show to mom was because sometimes you can find it mate that way. Jayden and I dont want a mate. We just want to kill and kill and kill humans. If we bring a vampire home there a good chance they will become our mate. Humans are very rarely destined to be with a vampire.

"Yeah." Jayden said smiling. Jade stayed quiet. Her heart beat sped rapidly at all the words spoke. Once I hear moms car door shut I send Jade upstairs. I follow her to my room after greeting mom.

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