Hayden's p.o.v chapter 13

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I walk out of the room and meet up with Jayden at the bar downstairs. He wanted to go to the club but for some reason I decided to skip out on it tonight. "Hey bro." Jayden greets me.
"Whats  up man?" I take a seat by him and get a drink.
"I noticed yall having family time a while ago." he says. Jayden was always jealous. He hated it when I spent take with the "good" side of the family.
"It was more or less just me buttering them up for the crown." he chuckles and takes a shot.
"Well don't get to caught up in them. We need you on our side." Jayden said while standing up.
"You know I won't ."
"See ya later."
I nodded and watched him walk out. I grabbed another shot and walk out myself.

"Son." I hear my mother call out.
I walk towards her voice and sit down by her.
"Whats up?"
"Are you bailing out on me?" she asks.

I look around to see if anyone is near and remember dad and Jayden are both gone and Sarah and Jade are sleeping.
"No mom. " I admit. "But you have to stop making things so noticeable and stop telling Jade everything. She is starting to believe I am a good guy and right now I need  to be bad." I say standing up.
"Okay..I love you." she kisses my cheeks and we both go our separate way.

So is he bad or good? I know its a short update but keep commenting and I will remember to continue this book.

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