Jades p.o.v:chapter 20

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I watch him grab clothes out of the dresser and walk back to the bathroom. I stand up and walk towards the closet and find a new pair of non sweaty clothes to change into. I change quickly and lay back on the bed. I find a scary movie on t.v. and wait on him to come out.

"You wanna watch a scary movie and cuddle?" Hayden asks walking out of the bathroom with a huge smile on his face.
"Pretty much."

He came over and sat on the edge of the bed and drank a little water. He finished his water and layed down by me. I crawled over and layed my head on top of his chest and watch Annabelle 2 with him.

He kept rubbing the back of my head and running his hair through my hair. I couldn't help but smile and try hiding my smile.
"I love your smile baby."

I giggled a but and layed my hand on his chest and rub my thumb on his chest. I hear a small snore come from him and I didn't want to watch the horror movie alone so I quickly followed him and went to sleep.

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