Hayden's p.o.v chapter 17

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I never would have guessed I would have fallen in love with a human. Jade was different from others. Jade has that attitude and her beautiful everything. I just love her.

"What's up man." Jayden and I talk a little about last night and then he leaves to go to the club.
"Bubba." Sarah runs in and jumps in my arms. I smile down at her and we walk to moms room. Jayden was gone to the club but dad was still in the mansion.

I knock on moms door and wait until she lets us in. "Hey!" mom greets us and we walk towards the couch .

"What's wrong son?" she looks at me slightly worried.
"I want to leave tonight." I say.
"Son. You know we can't leave yet." she says.
I knew it was dangerous because I qouldnt become king. I have three days until the party. My dad has about three weeks left to live that's why I am getting crowned early. My princess which apparently is Jade'will have to wait until she is mentioned. Usually the new king shows up with the princess(since queen isn't dead) but my princess is human so she has to wait. Dad can call everything off the day of.

"I just want Jade to be safe." was all I could say. If I told mom she was my mate then dad would read her mind. Luckily I can block my mind from others trying to get in.

Jade Where stories live. Discover now