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I don't think I've ever felt pain like this before. Ever. Yeah, it hurt watching my cousin kill himself and how I dreaded sleep when the memories of that night would come, but this... this is much worse.

It felt as if my heart was being ripped from my body and there was nothing I could do to fix it.

My two baby girls were one month premature and they were still borns. The doctors had already given me their birth and death certificates.

I was ecstatic when Kylie told me she was pregnant eight months ago. We were even more ecstatic when we found out we were having twins; both girls. Kylie named one of the Rose Charlotte and I named her twin Dylan Marie.

We had set up the nursery in the room across from ours so it would be easier and quicker for us to get to them when they cried out for us. Chris and Gaia said that the nursery was like we split Pepto Bismol everywhere. They were right, though. Kylie and I did go overboard on picking out the brightest pink colors we could find. Bright pink teddy bears, pink curtains, pink carpets, pink walls, etc. 

Gaia gave Kylie some cute black baby clothes. "For the inner goth those two babies are." Gaia had said as she handed Kylie the clothes.

"I can't wait for you  to do their makeup!" Kylie replied as they giggled and fantasied our babies future together even though Gaia and Chris didn't plan on having babies.

Ricky had also helped out by giving us  his son's white crib and buying us a matching one. "Cameron's getting too big for a crib right now and I don't think Kuza wants me to give birth again anytime soon." Ricky laughed as he and I set up the cribs.  "Trust me, man, having this nursery right across from your room is perfect. You don't know how much babies can cry at night." He informed me. I laughed and remembered the countless times when Kuza and Ricky would come to work with bags under their eyes and no makeup on. They looked horrible those first few months.

"Those long nights are worth it in the long run. You just got to step up, though. Kylie's gonna be pushing out two babies. She's done enough work by doing that." Ricky had said hugging me.

But the girls' birth also had a bad affect on my beautiful wife Kylie. She was worn out and her heart rate had gone down a great lot. She was in pain and it hurt her to breathe. She was hooked up to almost every machine in the room.

As she held my hand I could tell she didn't have long. "Baby, please don't go. We can... we can have another baby. Please, just don't leave me." I cried softly. Kylie slowly rolled her head to look at me and she smiled softly.

"I don't want to go, Devin. I have to though." She whispered.

"No, Kylie, no you don't. Don't leave me. I can't lose another love today, baby girl." I said kissing her hand.

"Devin, I have to take care of Rose and Dylan. They can't be in the great upstairs all alone. Remember, baby, we promised to take care of them no matter what?" She said her voice cracking.

I nodded, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Well, this is one of those times, love. I have to go take care of them. They can't be alone. They need their mother."

"I need you, Kylie. I need you here. I love you. I remember our promise, baby, but I don't want you to go. Please, try to stay." I cried.

Kylie shook her head as her heart rate dropped even lower. "Daddy, listen to me. You know I have to go." Her breathing was ragged. "Daddy, I want to stay with you, but I can't. It hurts too much to stay." Kylie closed her eyes for a few moments and put her hand on my cheek.

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