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Third Person

It had been around three weeks since Ricky and Kuza finally had unprotected sex, and there was a guarantee that Ricky was pregnant again. Four mornings, all sick.

Ricky was overjoyed, to say the least. Sure, he hated throwing up, but he knew that there was a baby in him. He was a mother of a new baby, lost baby, and an adorable toddler. He loved Cameron more than anything.

Ricky grinned from ear to ear after he brushed his teeth, then ran into the bedroom. He jumped on top of Kuza's still-sleeping form, patting his chest. "Baby, Baby, Baby! It happened again!"

Kuza groaned, throwing his head back. "Baaabe, stop! Too earlyyy," He pushed Ricky away, rolling onto his side.

Ricky huffed and flipped him over, nuzzling his chest. "Mikey, aren't you happy?"

"It's like five in the morning."


Kuza sighed and kissed Ricky's forehead. "I'm very happy, Baby, I am. I'm not a morning person, you know that."

Ricky nodded, then pecked his husband's lips. "When do you think we should tell Cam?"

Kuza shrugged, pulling him closer. "We should take him with us to the first ultrasound." He replied. "If he doesn't find out before then, that is. He's really clever, Baby."

Ricky nodded and kissed Kuza's cheek, moving down to nibble his neck. "He gets that from you, Baby. God, I love you so much. My big, sexy, strong man,"

Kuza chuckled, "You're too cute for your own good." He yawned and shut his eyes, "I'm gonna sleep for a few hours, okay?"

"Mmh, okay, Baby. I love you,"

"I love you,"


Ricky drove Kuza to work that day, seeing as he had to go shopping with Cameron anyway. He held his husband's hand, using his free arm to carry Cameron.

"I can walk on my own, Mama!" He huffed, pouting and glaring a tad at Ricky. "Lemme down, I'm a big boy!"

Ricky shook his head. "No growing up until I say so. I'll let you down, but you're still sitting in the cart."

"Can I stay with Daddy today, Mommy?" He asked as Ricky set him down on the floor, taking his hand.


"I'll have to see, Baby. I doubt he'll be much trouble." Mike replied as he pecked his partner's lips. "You're so cute."

"Nuh-uh. I'm getting old, Mikey, gonna be thirty soon..."

"No Mommy isn't!" Cameron giggled, hugging his mother's leg. "Mommy's beautiful, just like Daddy says!"

"Ha!" Mike smirked, squeezing Ricky's ass. "My sexy 28 year old, who's still got a bangin' body and a gorgeous smile."

Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright, Cam, if you stay with Daddy, no candy from me. Daddy can have a hyper baby."

Kuza shrugged, "I can handle it, Wifey. Remember, lane seven is my lannne~" He sang, picking Cameron up. "C'mon, Bud, you can hang out with your old man for about an hour." He began to walk away.

Ricky whined, "You're forgetting something!"

Kuza perked up, then quickly turned around. He went to Ricky, pressing their lips together. He got a bit carried away, as always, one hand on the back of Ricky's head and his tongue swirling around his lover's.

Ricky went red, pushing Kuza away. "Okay, okay, Mikey. Go to work, watch him. Both of you... Be good."

They parted their separate ways, Ricky grabbing a cart while Mike checked in with his manager. He got an acception to have Cameron with him, since it'd only be a short period of time.

Kuza grabbed a stool from the break room and set it beside him by his register, then sat Cameron in it. "You wanna press the button for Daddy?"


"Okay, so check this out. Whenever someone sets their stuff on the belt, press the button and hold it down. When it gets to us, stop pressing it. 'Kay?" Mike explained as he kissed the top of his son's head.

"Okay, Daddy!" Cameron giggled, pressing the button a few times, amazed by the movement of the conveyor belt. He then pointed to a candy, "Can I have?"

Mike nodded, reaching over and grabbing the chocolate. He placed it on the belt, letting Cameron press the button, then paid for it. "Only a bit, okay?"

He broke off four pieces of chocolate, then gave two to Cameron and two to himself. He truly hated working at Wal-Mart, but it gave a pretty decent pay that added up with his other jobs. He was home by dinnertime and always home for breakfast, and that's what mattered.

Eventually, Ricky came to the lane with a cart full of groceries and a basket with "adult stuff". He pecked Kuza's lips happily, then ruffled Cameron's hair. "Was he good, Baby?"

Kuza nodded as he began scanning and bagging items. Ricky helped with the bagging as well, not finding the task bothersome. "He always is, Gorgeous."

Ricky smiled sweetly at his husband and son, then grabbed his phone. He snapped a photo, then sent it to Devin. 'Cameron loves working with Daddy!' He took the chocolate bar from Kuza's pocket on his shirt, breaking off a bit and popping it into his mouth. "You didn't give him the entire thing? Wow, SuperDad today, huh?" He teased lovingly.

Kuza helped put the groceries back in the cart, tying up the bag of "adult stuff". "I'm glad you remembered to buy that shit." He whispered, "We're all out of condoms, and we needed some more lube anyway."

"I know, Baby, I keep a list." Ricky chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kuza's neck. "You have a good day, okay? I'm gonna take this stuff home, then probably head over to Devin and Chris'."

Kuza's arms snaked around Ricky's waist, nuzzling his hair. "Okay. Make it home safe, call me when you get home, call me if you need me... Oh, and Ricky?"

"Y-Yes, Mike?"

"I'm so fucking glad I married you."

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