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Third Person
Work the next day was awkward. Mainly because Chris was pissed with Ricky and Ricky wasn't talking to anybody. His face was puffy and swollen from a long night of crying. Chris had come and gotten Cameron in the middle of night. He was beyond pissed at Ricky for kicking out Kuza. He couldn't even speak to Ricky, let alone look at him. Cameron didn't object when Chris took him, so right now, Ricky was pissed as well.

Devin was sore. His throat was sore from screaming and from all the blowjobs he had to give the night before. His throat was also sore from throwing up most of the morning. He was used to the throwing up since he'd been doing it for two weeks now, but he needed it to stop. His butt was sore from all the rides he gave and all the rough, raw sex he had. Although, he wouldn't call it sex. More like rape. But it made his Brandon happy, so it couldn't be that bad.

Brandon had yelled at Devin this morning. "You're getting fat, Devin. Why are you so fat?" Brandon had said.

"What? Oh, I-I I'm sorry, Brandon." Devin had replied when Brandon pulled him close and examined him.

"It's all in your stomach, Devin. You've been eating way to fucking much."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want you eating all three meals. You're to eat whenever I tell you. Understand, slut?"

"Yes, sir."

The air was tense when Korel came in to talk to the band. "Whoa, what happened here? Why are we so quiet? And angry looking, Chris?" He asked.

"Ask Ricky."

Ryan groaned and put his head down.

"What's wrong with you?" Chris asked.

"This is all so stupid. Ricky, it wasn't Kuza's fault and you know that. Chris, you don't need to be mad at him. In a way, it doesn't involve you." Ryan replied.

Brandon leaned over to whisper into Devin's ear. "That's the guy you like? He's getting into people's business. You like nosey motherfuckers?" Brandon laughed and Devin went white.

"Well, it kinda does since Kuza and Cameron are staying with me." Chris replied.

"Ryan has a point, Chris." Ricky started. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, I can see this is getting very heated." Korel said. "Let's just go take an hour to get lunch or whatever and cool off so we can finish recording for today."

Chris glared and walked out of the record studio and Ryan followed.

"Devin go with Ricky so he's okay." Korel said as Ricky also walked out.

Brandon pinched Devin's thigh before he got up to go with Ricky. Devin gave a small, uncomfortable smile, then caught up with the smaller man.

"H-Hey, Ricky?" He asked softly, following alongside Ricky as they walked out of the studio and down the sidewalk.

"Mm?" Ricky replied, hands in his pockets and looking down to the ground. He sighed, just thinking about Kuza.

"Y-You've had a baby, so you know what it's like... Uh.. Wh-When you and Mike had Cameron..." He trailed off.

"What, Devin? I really don't want to talk about that disgusting piece of trash right now." Ricky groaned, quickly wiping a tear from his eye so Devin wouldn't see.

"Okay, okay.. I've been throwing up in the morning. F-For two weeks. I think that I might be pregnant." He admitted shyly, playing with his pink hoodie string.

"When did you and Brandon have unprotected sex last?" Ricky asked in reply, declining yet another call from Kuza as he scrolled through Twitter.

"That morning we were late to the studio." Devin replied, pulling his hood further over the blonde dreads that he hated. "I-I'm afraid to ask for a pregnancy test."

"Why are you afraid?" Ricky asked as he put his phone in his back pocket again. "He loves you, Dev, he'll understand."

Devin nodded. He thought Brandon did love him, and it was just a rough patch they were going through. "I just don't want him to leave me."


Devin had purchased three pregnancy tests, taking up Ricky's advice. He hoped he wasn't pregnant, but wanted a second chance at the same time.

The tests all sat on the bathroom counter, Devin twiddling his thumbs in anxiety. What if he was pregnant? How would he tell Brandon? Would Brandon leave him?

After a few more decade-like minutes of patient waiting and pacing, the tests finally showed the results. Devin lifted one of them up, eyes shut. He took a breath, then opened his eyes.

"Positive.." He whispered, trembling nearly twice as much as he lifted the second test. "P-Positive." He was crying now, paranoia taking over. "Positive! O-Oh my God."

Devin held the trio of tests in his hands as he quietly crept downstairs. He gave a nervous smile to Brandon, holding the tests behind his back. "Babyyy,"

"What." Brandon snapped, eyes focused on the television as Devin sat beside him on the couch.

Devin kissed his cheek, trying to be as sweet as possible. "So y'know how I've been sick every morning..? I took some erm.. tests, and," he gave Brandon the three tests. "You're a father, Baby."

Brandon snarled and pushed Devin to the ground. "It's not my fucking kid! It's Chris', isn't it you stupid whore?!" He yelled, throwing the tests at Devin before kicking him. "I can't fucking believe you!"

Devin whimpered and sat up, hugging Brandon's leg. "N-No, it's yours! Baby, Brandon-"

"Let's fucking go." He snapped, snatching Devin up by the dreads. "You're going to a damn doctor."

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