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We left my mother's house the day after Christmas. No one seemed to like the presents I got them, so Brandon took us home the next day. I had gotten my mother a very expensive necklace that she had wanted. She threw it away when she thought I wasn't looking. My father had wanted some new tools for his workshop. I got them for him, he gave them to the neighbors saying he didn't need them. I had gotten Brandon a few new shirts and some new workout gear he told me to get him. I got beat for it when my parents left to go to a dinner and then he threw it all away.

No one got me anything for Christmas, though. It's not a surprise. I expected not to get anything. Brandon hasn't gotten me anything since our first anniversary. He says I'm not worthy of getting anything. I believe him. I'm not worthy of anything.

I was quiet the whole way home. Brandon didn't want me talking to him as he drove. He was mad at me. He hated what I had gotten him. I couldn't blame him. I hate everything I do. Even if I try doing something good.

We had stopped at a Wal-Mart a mile away from home. Brandon told me to stay in the car when he went inside. He had left his phone in the cup holder and I could see who was blowing up his phone. It was Dr. Vincent. I started to go through the messages that had popped up.

Dr. Vincent: Come over later. I'm missing your big meat 🍆💦

Dr. Vincent: you can bring the whore if you want. I want to try something with him

Dr. Vincent: we BOTH can try new things with him. I have enough sex toys to torture the shit out of him. I've been craving you and I've been craving to ram him so hard he won't be able to walk for weeks.

Dr. Vincent: I need you to pick up three packs of cigarettes for me

Dr. Vincent: babe, come back and talk to me. I miss you 💗

"What are you doing, Devin?" Brandon asked opening the car door. "Why are you touching something of mine?" He sat down and closed the door and started rummaging through the two bags he had.

"Dr. Vincent was texting you. I was going to tell him that you were busy." I said quietly. I looked down at my bruised arms. I didn't want anymore punishments.

"Did you ask if you could touch my phone?" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and took out one cigarette.

"No, sir." I whimpered as he lit the cigarette.

He reached over to me and pointed at the button on my pants as he started to smoke. "Unbutton those and pull them down. Underwear, too." He demanded.

"We're in public." I whispered. He slapped me.

"Do what I say."

I slowly pulled down my pants and underwear and started to cry.

"Oh, enough with the crying, Devin!" He growled going through the other bag and pulling out a pacifier. 

"No, Daddy, I don't need that." I cried as he moved to put it in my mouth.

"Oh, the fuck you do!" He said as he shoved it in my mouth. He clamped his hand over my mouth so I couldn't push it out.

He laughed and blew some smoke in my face. "You're such a bad boy. A baby and a bad boy. You're lucky I didn't buy you diapers." He cackled as he stuck the cigarette on my upper thigh.

I screamed into his hand. Red, hot pain went through my leg. He kept repeating the same action on both legs, using two packs of cigarettes. He laughed at me the whole time he did it. I was going in and out of consciousness from the pain. I was whimpering when Brandon took his hand away.

"Put your clothes back on, slut.  Chris won't be blowing you for a while." Brandon chuckled as he took the pacifier and pulled out of the parking spot and headed home. I struggled putting on my pants. My legs hurt, some of the burns were bleeding.

"Can I...Can I clean these when we get home?" I asked softly.

"Yes. You know I did that because you were being a bad boy by looking on my phone?" Brandon asked holding my hand.

I shuddered and said, "Yes, sir."

"You still need to be punished for the presents, Devin. You did a horrible job picking out our presents. You're mom was crying because of that ugly necklace." Brandon turned into our neighborhood and smiled at me. It was a genuine, loving smile. "We're almost home, baby. You can clean those burns and then you can get some sleep." He said as he pulled into our driveway.

"Can I sleep in the bed?" I asked.

"Of course, baby. I want you to feel better, honey." He got out of the car and opened my door. He kissed me softly and hugged me close.

"I love you, baby boy." He said smiling at me.

"I love you, too!" I smiled back.

I got my teddy bear back.

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