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Brandon had taken me home after I "paid" Dr. Vincent. Everything hurt. My body was in such pain,it hurt to walk. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to give Brandon all of those blow jobs when we came back home. It hurt to make him happy. That's all I wanted. To make him happy.

My stomach had a big nasty bruise. It was all sorts of colors. I was still bleeding but not like before. I had bandages wrapped around my groin and my stomach to prevent infection.

I didn't eat dinner when we came home. I made spaghetti for Brandon because it's his favorite, but I was under the table pleasing him. I was trying to make him be happy again. I wanted him to love me again. I didn't eat breakfast either. He says I'm getting fat so I'm working on losing the weight. I can't workout with Brandon because of my stomach and how I keep passing out because of it, so I'm not really eating. It'll make Brandon happy when I'm skinny again.

Brandon wants me naked and my hair in pigtails when I'm home, so that's what I did. I actually don't even know where my clothes are anymore. It's been a few weeks since we started doing this and Brandon's moved my clothes.

He picks out my clothes for me when we go to work. It makes him happy when he sees me wearing those clothes. I don't really like them. He keeps picking out things that are ugly. Like that one ugly Navy blue sweater he bought. It's also scratchy and gives me a rash. He bought me some red jeans that are way too small for my butt.

He says he loves me and that he's doing this for my own good. This is just a rough patch, like Ricky and Kuza are going through. It might be a little different but everyone has one. He loves me. I love him. This is just a rough patch. Just a normal rough patch.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen to make Brandon some lunch. He didn't want spaghetti again so I looked to see if there was anything to make. He likes sandwiches. I could make him a BLT.

I pulled out all the ingredients and started to make the sandwich to make him happy. I was done pretty quick considering we already had bacon made and I just had to heat it up.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked behind me.

I slowly turned around. "I'm making you lunch, baby. A BLT. You like those. I thought you'd like that for lunch." I whispered.

He walked over to me and grabbed onto on of my pigtails. "How do I know you're not going to eat that? You're fat enough. You don't need that." He growled.

"I made it for you, daddy." I said started to cry.

"What is it with the crying? That's all you do is cry, cry, cry. What is the matter with you? Do I need to go out and buy you diapers?" He inquired pushing onto my stomach.

"Oww! No, sir. You don't need to do that." I replied, trying to stop crying.

"Then stop crying. At least give me a reason why."

"Well, you...you kinda hurt my feelings a lot with... you know. All the humiliation and the pigtails and when your friends come over and touch me and you just watch. It really hurt when you made me drink your pee. I...I don't like it." I rambled.

"Yeah well, Devin, I don't like it when you cheat on me with Chris. It's heartbreaking. I don't trust you. You need to learn your lesson. And to find out yesterday that you're pregnant with Chris' kid really hurt me. Why would you do that to me, Devin? And that piss thing was some bonding thing I was recommended, but obviously since you're so hurt we won't do that anymore." Brandon snarled.

"I'm sorry, Brandon. I didn't cheat on you though. I never would've. You cheated." I immediately regretted saying that.

He punched me in my mouth and pulled me to the floor and started to kick me in the stomach. I cried out for him to stop but it didn't work. "Don't you ever, ever accuse me of cheating! I'm not the one that cheats! You are! You're always cheating on me when I'm not around! I can tell by the way you act!" Brandon kicked me in my stomach once more before pulling me up to stand again. He kissed me on the lips before glaring again.

"Throw all of that food out. You're not to eat at all for the rest of the day. I'm going out. I swear to God, I will seriously hurt you if you leave." He slapped me before finishing. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." I said looking at my blood on the ground.

"Good, boy." He said before leaving.

Why can't I do anything right?

Black and Blue||DevilessWhere stories live. Discover now