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Brandon dragged me into his truck ignoring my pleas to let me go. "Brandon! Stop! Baby, it's yours!" I cried as he pulled off.

"Shut your filthy mouth, whore." He snarled, flooring it. He was pissed, and it was all my fault.

"But, baby, baby it's yours." I cried, trying to hold his hand. "I never cheated on you." I whimpered, nuzzling his shoulder.

He punched me square in my mouth. "I told you to be quiet, but you can't do that, can you? Just like you couldn't keep your legs closed." Brandon snarled, pulling into an alleyway.

"We're here and you better be respectful because God knows you're not respectful to your own fucking boyfriend." He said as he pulled me out of the truck.

He had a firm grip on my arm as he drug me to the back door of some doctors office. He knocked four times on the door before anyone answered.

The person who answered scared me. He's bald and with a scraggly beard that doesn't suit him, and he was short. His smile is so creepy and his eyes are clearly contacts, because who has orange eyes?

"Hello, Brandon." The man said, causing me to shiver. It was so unsettling.. That voice. That voice is so familiar.

"What a pleasant surprise." The man cooed, looking at me up and down and gave a crooked smile.

"I need an abortion. This slut has been hoeing around with men and is pregnant. It's not mine." Brandon growled, throwing me to the feet of the man. I whimpered, beginning to cry again.

The man bent down and lifted my chin up. "Hello. What's your name?" He asked.

Brandon kicked me. "Give him your real name." He snarled, glaring down at me.

"Devin." I said quietly.

"Hello, Devin. My name is Dr. Vincent. Have you been cheating and breaking my dear friend's heart?" Dr. Vincent asked softly, eyes full of lust.

"No." I replied truthfully, knowing that it wouldn't make much of a difference at all.

He replied by punching me in my nose, which made me scream in pain. Who the fuck wears a ring on four fingers?

"I ask again, have you been cheating?" He repeated, glaring down at me just like Brandon was.

"No, sir." I answered sadly, remembering my manners.

He stood up and glared down at me. He kicked me in my nose. "You are such a liar. You're a liar and a whore. I belive Brandon when he says that you've been hoeing around. Why else are you pregnant?" He asked.

I started to cry as Brandon pulled me to my feet. The blood from my nose was running down my face. I looked at the doctor and he was holding a weight in his hand. He led Brandon and I to the closed door of a room.

"You have a way to pay for this, Devin?" Dr. Vincent asked.

I nodded and reached for my wallet in my back pocket, sniffling and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh no, Devin." Brandon said. "Dr. Vincent doesn't want cash. He wants ass." He threw me onto the doctor.

Dr. Vincent laughed as he pulled me into his little office room. There was a gurney in the middle of the room that was by a rack of weights and sex toys.

He pushed me onto my back on the gurney and gave me an evil grin. He strapped me down on to the gurney with cuffs from the rack. Brandon came in and started to take pictures.

He laughed as he did it. "Oh Devin, if only you could see yourself. Strapped down and bleeding. You look so delicious this way."

Dr. Vincent grabbed another weight and held it over my stomach an arms length away. "This is a thirty pound weight. If I drop it from here I doubt it'll hurt." Dr. Vincent laughed.

I started to hyperventilate. I wanted this baby. I want this second chance at being a father. A mother this time. Someone help me..

Brandon looked at me and smiled. "Calm down, slut. You weren't thinking about this when you were sleeping around with Chris."

Dr. Vincent put one hand one my stomach and moved it around, feeling for something. My baby. He lifted up my shirt and smiled. "You're so fat, Devin." The doctor sneered.

I started to cry and Brandon and the doctor laughed.

"This isn't going to hurt, my dear." The doctor purred as he looked down at me. "I promise you."

Then he dropped the weight on my stomach.


I woke up still strapped onto the gurney. My stomach hurt. It hurt so bad with every breath I took. My thighs felt sticky and I reeked of blood.

I looked around the room, not seeing Dr. Vincent or Brandon. I gasped as a sharp pain went through my stomach. I started to cry, which only caused more pain.

The door to the room opened and Brandon walked in. "Did you get a good nap, whore?" He asked not really caring about my answer.

I shook my head, though not wanting to make him angry. What happened to my sweetheart? My teddy bear, my adorable, loving baby?

"You need to lose a lot of weight, Devin. You've let yourself go. You're way too fat. You would've gotten fatter of you'd have kept that baby... if you were to keep the baby even though it wasn't mine." He said rubbing my stomach.

I let out a scream as he rubbed it. "Be quiet, Devin. Dr. Vincent is sleeping. I wore him out while you were taking that nap, bitch. That's really rude by the way."

"What do you mean?" I asked wincing as Brandon pulled all my stomach looking at my fat.

"We had sex, Devin. Dr. Vincent was that old friend I told you about two weeks ago. He's better in bed than you are." Brandon laughed.

I winced as he applied pressure to my stomach. "Stop, please." I whispered. There was a large bruise of purple, blue and yellow on my stomach, which caused me to tear up.

"Don't tell me what to do, Devin. You're the rude one. You passed out after the first drop. Dr. Vincent had four more drops to do. You're supposed to be awake for the whole thing. Except you are the rudest person to ever walk the planet and you took a nap before it was through." Brandon growled.

"I'm sorry, Brandon. It really hurt. I couldn't stand the pain. I didn't mean to be rude." I said quietly. I didn't mean to make the doctor upset. I didn't mean to make anyone upset. I just thought Brandon would be happy that I was pregnant.

The doctor came in, walking up and kissing Brandon's cheek. "You're finally awake." He said to me. Why is he kissing my lover?

I nodded and winced as he felt my stomach. "I don't know if the baby's dead yet. It could still be alive." He said poking at me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it." Brandon growled, grabbing another weight and handing it to Dr. Vincent.

Dr. Vincent took it and straddled me, glaring at me. "This one should do the job. It's a forty-five pounder. Just don't fall asleep this time." He growled.

I started to hyperventilate again. "N-no please. It's dead. Please, don't! Stop! It's dead!" I pleaded. I couldn't feel the slight connection to my baby anymore like I did a short while before this happened.

"That's what they all say. I am a doctor, Devin. I have done this before." Dr. Vincent said offended. He lifted the weight over my stomach again.

As he did it my mind wandered back to my little wonderland.

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