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Third Person
The police brought in the band for questioning but all they really wanted was for Vinny to confess since no one knew what was happening behind closed doors.

Vinny did confess and then it went to trial with Brandon and Vinny pleaded not guilty.

The trial made the news and everyone watched it. Some people said Devin just wanted attention. He did like attention but why would he put himself through pain just for it?

Devin's parents had come to visit him in the hospital. They said that they were sorry for not believing him, but he didn't trust them. He didn't really trust anyone. Not even Chris. Chris was letting Devin stay at his house until Devin could find an apartment. He worried about him deeply, but Devin hardly talked to anyone and he locked his bedroom door in case Chris got horny and decided to use Devin. That never happened. Devin was just paranoid.

Devin took the stand last. He looked horrible, but not as bad as he did in the hospital.

"Mr. Sola, can you describe what exactly Mr. Richter would do to you on a daily basis?" The prosecutor asked me.

"He'd beat me black and blue everyday."

"Why did he do that?"

"I made him angry. He said I deserved it."

"Do you think you deserved it?"



"I made him angry. "

The prosecutor shook his head and walked towards the jury. "Did Mr. Ritcher show you any affection in the relationship?"

"At first, but it didn't last long. He insulted me after a while."

"Then why did you stay?"

Devin looked down at his hands. He had gotten asked that question by almost everyone. Chris felt bad at the way Devin was being treated. He watched him with a heavy heart.

"Mr. Sola, please explain why you stayed." The prosecutor stated.

"I don't know." Devin whispered softly.

"I'm sorry?"

"I don't know." Devin said a little louder.

"You don't know? You were being beaten everyday and you don't know why you stayed?"

Ricky and Kuza saw Devin's face growing red. They knew he was getting mad.

"Why don't you know, Mr. Sola? You should know why. Mr. Ritcher and his friends beat you. Your best friend raped you and took your children. Why did you st-"

"Stop asking me why I stayed! Maybe I had no where to go! Maybe he threatened to kill most of the people I know! Maybe my parents, who you would think would help, didn't believe me and thought I was making it up! Maybe when I tried asking for help, people laughed at me! Maybe you should ask him why he abused and raped me for days! Maybe you should ask him why he abused me and stop asking why I stayed!" Devin yelled. The court room went silent.

The judge took a minute before telling Devin to watch his outbursts and dismissed for the jury to decide.

Chris rubbed Devin's back the whole two hours they waited. Devin was crying. He was scared. Ricky also tried to comfort Devin by whispering calming things into his ear. He officially calmed down when they were released for lunch and Devin got to hold his godson. Cameron always got everyone to calm down. His positive kid vibes always put everyone in a good mood.

"It's going to turn out okay, Dev. You know that right, honey?" Chris said softly as they walked back into court. Devin was shaking and it seemed like he couldn't stop. Chris stopped him and hugged him tightly. "It'll be okay, Baby Boy. I'm right here, baby. I'll be right behind you. Just breathe, honey, okay?"

Devin nodded. "I love you, Chrissy."

"I love you too, Baby." Chris kissed his forehead and they both walked to their seats awaiting the outcome of the jury.

"We the jury find Brandon Ritcher guilty of 50 counts of domestic violence, 30 counts of aggravated rape, and 30 counts of aggravated assault. We also find Vincenzo Mauro guilty of 30 counts of aggravated rape, 30 counts of assault, and practicing medicine without a license."

Devin broke down in tears as he was happy Brandon and Vinny were paying for their crimes.

"Any thing you'd like to say to Mr. Sola, Mr. Ritcher?" The judge asked.

"Yep." Brandon said looking at Devin. Devin looked back and had the old fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry that I didn't kill you when I had the chance. And I so hope that when you get pregnant by Chris's seed that you kill the bastard thing yourself." Brandon was dragged outside by the bailiffs in case of Brandon attacking Devin.

"As for you, Mr. Mauro?" The judge asked unfazed by Brandon's outburst.

"I hope we're still friends, Ghosty. You too, Kuza. Oh, and I want to be the godfather of the next baby and maybe even name it after me." When Vinny was finished he got walked out and Kuza was held to the pew by Chris and Ricky as his eyes were filled with rage.

The judge dismissed the court and Devin felt relieved. He could dye his hair back to black and get rid of all the ugly bows and pink shit. He walked outside and stood out in the sunshine. He loved the outside and he hadn't gotten to enjoy the sunshine in a year and a half.

"How do you feel, Devin?" Ricky asked softly walking beside Devin as they descened down the stairs.

"I feel okay. I'm kinda happy." Devin replied.

"You should be. You're out of that relationship. You can smile and laugh again." Chris said following.

"Why would I do that? They're both ugly." Devin looked down at his feet.

"Hey, whatever Brandon told you it's not true. I like your smile and laugh. I like your face." Chris said chuckling.

"Subtle, Cerulli." Kuza said softly taking Ricky's hand.

Chris smiled and leaned in a kissed Devin softly. Devin smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Chris's neck.

There were 'aww's but the two didn't care. Devin felt love from Chris and he hadn't really felt that since Kylie had passed. Chris whispered softly, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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