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Third Person
Thunder roared as Brandon pushed himself into Devin. The two were in a genuine intimate moment, something they hadn't done in months. Brandon was still upset with Devin, but pushed it to the side since he thought that Devin had behaved himself enough. The presents were fine, Brandon had just paid Devin's parents to get rid of the presents. Brandon had missed the pleasure of beating the shit out of him. The burning tip he had gotten from his lover, Dr. Vincent. He loved Dr. Vincent more than life itself. Dr. Vincent was his everything.

The way Devin and Brandon moved together was like a slow, love song. The way Brandon led and Devin followed, the way their hips moved together, they were one body. One heart. One love.

Devin rested atop Brandon fast asleep, worn out from all the love. He had gotten his teddy bear back and he was content. He was happy to be loved again. Brandon wasn't, though.

Brandon was still angry that Devin was going behind his back to be with Chris. It aggravated him. The little ungrateful whore would rather have chicken wings than the steak Brandon was. This little love fest wasn't going to last long. It never did. It always ended with Devin getting pregnant with Chris's child. Oh, how it enraged Brandon.

Brandon looked down at the sleeping Devin. He only stops crying when he's sleeping. Brandon thought. He needs diapers.

Brandon slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of a plan that would get Devin to once and for all leave Chris alone.

Two weeks later

Devin hadn't shown up to work for 10 days in a row. It's not because he didn't want to, it's because he couldn't. Brandon wouldn't let him. Brandon was mad again. Devin was pregnant again. Dr. Vincent raped him again, but didn't take his baby. Brandon wanted to, but only at home. At home on the stairs.

Devin trembled as Brandon pulled him by his dreads to the stairwell. "You like doing things the hard way don't you, slut?" Brandon snarled.

"I don't mean to." Devin whispered. Devin's heart was pounding and he was sure Brandon could hear it.

"You never mean too, Devin. I'm sick and tired of this. Of all your ugly lies, all of Chris's babies, all of your crying. I'm sick of it. You've yet to learn your lesson about getting pregnant by another man." Brandon growled and slapped Devin.

"I'm sorry." Devin whispered. Be knew what Brandon was going to do. He was going to push him down the stairs. He'd done it before.

Brandon chuckled and pull Devin on his feet and put a hand on the stomach carrying his baby.

"Why do you do this, Devin? Hmm? Are you that set on having a baby that you'd sneak around with some other man?" Brandon asked.

Devin knew Brandon wouldn't except the truth that the baby was his. So he lied. "Yes. You didn't want one. I did."

"To replace the ones you lost?"

"In a way, I guess."

With that Brandon pushed Devin down the stairs and watched pain flood his boyfriend's face as he tumbled and landed at the bottom.

Devin quickly clutched his stomach afraid of what would come. He just wanted to be a father. He just wanted a baby that would grow up under his care, that would become a great musician possibly like the people it would be surrounded by. But Brandon didn't want that.

"Get up and walk back up here." Brandon demanded.

Devin slowly got to his feet and felt pain everywhere. He didn't want to move. He wanted help. He wanted Chris. He slowly made his way up the stairs only to be pushed back down the steps. He hit his head harder this time. His stomach hit more stairs this time. This time, he had started to bleed.

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