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Brandon had gone downstairs and I just laid on the floor in pain. I didn't mean to make him angry, I just wasn't feeling good for sex. I would've if I was feeling better.

I started to cry softly. My body hurt. My mouth hurt. How am I supposed to cover this up? I slowly started to pull myself up to stand. I winced as I started to walk to the bedroom and saw my phone on the nightstand.

I called Chris.

"Hello?" Chris answered.

"Hey, I can't make it today." I replied.

"You sound like you're dying. You sick?"

I felt eyes on me and I turned around. Brandon was in the doorway with angry eyes looking at me.

"Yeah, I am. I'll try to be there tomorrow." I said quietly.

"Get off the phone." Brandon demanded.

"Well, have Brandon stay home too. We don't need anything spreading. Feel better, Ghost." Chris then hung up.

I put the phone down and trembled.

"Why were you calling Chris?" Brandon asked.

"To tell him I can't come in today." I said softly.

"That's a lie." Brandon scoffed.

"No, it's not. Brandon please."

He came across the room and grabbed my wrist tightly. "You cheating on me, Devin?"

"N-no, Brandon. I love you." I whined.

He laughed. "Then stop talking to Chris."

He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. Is he about to spank me?

"You're gonna learn that we don't tolerate cheating in this house." Brandon said as he put one leg on mine and used a hand to hold me down.

"You're also gonna learn not to tell anyone what happened and what's about to happen."

"Brandon, I wasn't going to! Please believe me." I cried.

His response was a hard slap to my ass.

"Ow. Brandon stop. Please."

He did it again and again. He wasn't listening to my cries and the more I pleaded the harder the slaps came.

My ass was on fire by the time Brandon stopped. He stood me up and held me again the wall.

"You gonna tell anyone, slut?" He growled.

"N-no." I whimpered.

"No what?" He asked punching me in my stomach. "I know your mother taught you some manners. Respect you elders, remember? Now, address me correctly. You gonna tell anyone?"


"You gonna cheat on me?"

"I'm not cheating!" I cried.

Brandon punched me in the mouth again. "Answer my question truthfully. Are you going to cheat?"

"No, sir!" I yelled not wanting to get punched.

"Good boy." Brandon laughed dropping me and leaving again.

I thought you loved me.


The rest of the day was almost normal with Brandon. He was kissing me, cuddling me, even making lunch for me. It made me think that he only did it because he loves me. Like... He wanted my body so badly because he loves me? Yeah.. I think that sounds right.

Besides, Brandon's a good man. Honestly, what I'm most confused about is how my mind wandered. To Chris, of all people. I don't have feelings toward Chris, he's one of my closest friends. That would be like me saying I have a crush on Ricky; it's awkward. Chris is straight, anyway.

I shut my eyes as I laid in our shared bed, Brandon's strong arms wrapped around me. He didn't mean it, he's a big teddy bear when he's not horny. My big, lovable teddy bear Brandon.

"I love you," I whispered, kissing his cheek. "And I'm sorry I upset you this morning. I just didn't feel well, Baby, you understand."

"But Devin," Brandon started, "When your lover wants to have sex, you have to have sex. That's a rule."

It is? Oh, God, I never knew that. But... Kylie didn't always want to get under the sheets when I asked. But still, that doesn't give me a reason to rape her. I love her, and I would have never hurt her. Maybe straight relationships are different.

"I-I didn't know that. Oh, I'm sorry Baby." I whimpered, nuzzling his chest. "Still love me?"

"Of course I do."

I nodded. Brandon's a good man, I just upset him. He's a good man, he's a good man. He loves me, and I love him. This is just a bump in the road, and things are gonna be okay.

He's not abusive, he's never shown signs of it. I love him more than anything.

"Brandon, Baby? You're not angry with me anymore, are you?" I asked softly, kissing his lips. "I don't want you to be angry."

He shook his head, toying with my hair. "No, Devin, I'm not angry anymore. When you said no to me, I felt like you didn't love me, is all."

I gasped and shook my head. "No, I do love you! I-I-I didn't feel well, I wouldn't want you to get sick!" I whimpered.

This is all my fault. I deserved it.

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