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I knew I had made Brandon mad by kissing Chris. That's why they fought and Brandon dropped me off at Dr. Vincent's office for a few days. When I came home, I was on my best behavior for Brandon. I was on my knees in front of him most of the time, trying to pleasure him. Trying to pleasure my teddy bear.

I wore my hair in the ugly pigtails and the pink bows. I walked around naked for Brandon and pleasured all of his friends when they came over. They were over almost every day. I never really got much sleep. I always busy sucking someone off or riding someone. Cum was always in my mouth and around me. I always smelled of cum. It just wouldn't wash out like it used too.

I've stopped eating a lot of what I'd normally eat. I mainly just drink water and whatever Brandon gives me, which is next to nothing. When I'm really good he gives me half of his dinner. I'm still in a lot of trouble with him so I mainly just get crushed chips. I've lost a lot weight, though. Brandon should think I'm pretty now. Chris and the others don't. The say I look unhealthy. Ricky made me eat some brownies he made. I ate some to make him leave me alone, but when I went to the bathroom I put fingers down my throat to throw it up. I can't afford getting fat again. There's no fat in my face anymore and all of the fat in my stomach is gone. But the bruises are still here.

The bruises, they never really go away. That's really all that's on my body. Next to my tattoos. My stomach has turned black and blue from all the beatings. All the "abortions". I've lost two more babies in the weeks since the first baby. Dr. Vincent took those babies too. Brandon was the father of both them. He's always the father. Everyone else wears condoms. Brandon won't. He hates the feeling of them. So when I get pregnant, I know it's Brandon's child.

I've been good for a while. Good enough to where when I asked to go to my parents' house for Christmas, he said yes! He said yes! We're going to my parents' for Christmas!

I...I...I can tell Mama what Brandon does. I've been a good boy, but I don't like this treatment. I hate it. Mama said if anything bad happened to always tell her. That's what I'll do. Tell Mama. She'll know what to do. She always knows what to do.

"Oh, Devin! You're here!" Mama cried walking towards Brandon and I got out of his car.

"Hi, Mama." I said softly standing still by Brandon. I wasn't allowed to run off to see someone I know. Brandon didn't like it.

"Go." Brandon said nudging me. I nodded and kissed his cheek, hoping he wasn't mad. I ran towards my mother and hugged her tight.

"I love you, Mama." I said smiling at her.

"You been good? You look well, dear. You lost alot of weight, honey. You're not as fat as you used to be." Mama said taking a look at me.

It hurt that she said that, but it adds further truth that I was indeed fat. That's why Brandon said all those awful, mean things to me. But it's all worth it for people to notice I've lost weight .

"I've been...okay." I lied.

"Hey, Mama Sola." Brandon said coming up and hugging my mother.

"Brandon! Oh, it's so good to see you, honey! You took fantastic!" Mama said praising Brandon. "Look at all those muscles! Thank you for helping Devin losing all that weight. He was getting way too fat." Mama said glaring at me.

Brandon laughed and roughly patted my back. "No problem. Just helping his fat ass out." Mama laughed at that but I didn't. I had stopped laughing weeks ago. I'm working on trying to stop smiling. Brandon says I have an ugly smile.

"Well, don't just stand in the cold. Come on in. Devin, your siblings are at your grandmother's house this year. They won't be coming to see you this year." Mama said leading us into the house. "Your father will get your bags."

Mama walked into the kitchen where my father was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. "Oh, no. He doesn't have to do that." Brandon said motioning for my father to sit back down. "I'll get them. You catch up with your son." Brandon left and I was alone with my parents.

"You look good, Devin. You've lost alot of weight, son. That's fantastic. You were getting a little fat." Dad said looking up at me.

I smiled happily. They were noticing I was losing the weight!

"Devin, stop smiling. It's gotten pretty ugly over the years. You need to fix it." Mama said rolling her eyes.

I stop smiling immediately and looked at the floor. "Sorry, Mama." I whispered softly.

"So, tell me, Devin. How's Brandon been treating you?" Dad asked.

Brandon brought in one bag and asked where to put it. "In the first room to the left." Mama answered. I waited for him to leave the house again before I answered.

"He...he...he...he hits me. He beats me. He says mean things to me! I sleep on the floor! He dyed my hair blonde and demands that I keep it in pigtails! I have to walk around my house with no clothes on! I go to work and everyone's worried about me! I can't tell them because he threatened to kill me!" I was crying loudly and hoping Brandon hadn't heard.

They were quiet for a while before Mama spoke up. "Well, you've got to stop doing what makes him angry, Devin! You're the reason why he's so mad at you. You caused the problem so you have to fix it. Don't you dare drag us into it. I will not have an attention whore for a son. If you don't stop complaining about this, I swear to the Lord above, I will kick you out and I don't care that it's Christmas." Mama growled at me.

"Mama, I-"

"What's going on here? Why are you crying, babe?" Brandon asked giving me fake love.

"I was just asking him how he's been holding up since Kylie. I mentioned to much pain from his past. That all this is. No need to worry." Mama said as I cried a few more tears.

Brandon glared at me and I tried my best to stop crying. I don't want him angry.

"Just go to bed, Devin. Take a rest. You've had a long day." Mama said taking me and leading me to my bedroom.

"Calm down. Come back out when you've had some sleep. And don't you ever mention that ridiculous story again." Mama growled before closing the door.

I cried into my pillow. She hates me. My own mother hates me. My father hates me. I thought they'd help. They said they would help me before. They... they lied. They all lied. They never loved me. Kylie probably never even loved me. I did everything right. I gave up everything that makes me happy to make him happy and he hates me.

Why won't someone help me?

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