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Is it bad that I worry so much about Devin? If you would've seen him today, you'd be insanely worried, too! Ever since Brandon and him fucked, Devin has been really jumpy.

He's been limping too, and his throat's been really sore and scratchy. His icy eyes are... Dull, painful looking. I don't trust Brandon at all, he gives me bad vibes.

He's even more quiet than usual, and... I miss him. I miss the old Devin, the one who was crazy about wearing his black dresses and dying his hair, and doing his makeup. Now, he's a shell of his former self. Blonde dreads, pink hoodie's and jeans, pink bows... What's happened to him?

He's still gorgeous, though, and I'm still in love with him. I may not show it, but I love Devin. He's so beautiful, and so sweet, and the little things he does drive me nuts! Brandon doesn't deserve someone as incredible as Devin.

Devin, he's beautiful. Things that are beautiful are always tried to be destroyed. Like a toddler picking a flower, or a tornado hitting a small town. I don't want Devin to get hurt. He's too sweet for that, and he's gone through enough pain.

I sat on the couch in the studio, my head rested in Kuza's lap. Cameron played with my hair while Ricky recorded backup vocals. "I'm glad you and Ricky are fixed up." I said softly.

"Me too.. I don't know what I'd do without my little vixen. I married him because he keeps me sane, Chris. He's gorgeous, funny, smart, sweet, loving, sexy... Our anniversary is coming up, too." He smiled. Mike could never get tired of talking about his husband.

"I'm glad, Mike. You guys deserve to be happy after what happened." I replied, taking Cameron's hand. "Cameron needs to be stable, too, especially this early in life."

"Uncle Chrissy, why don't you have a boyfriend?" Cameron asked curiously, moving to toy with the tunnels in my ears.

"Cameron, Uncle Chris likes boys and girls. That means he's bisexual." Kuza explained, tugging at his lip ring. "Just like how Daddy is homosexual, Chris is bisexual."

"I do prefer men, though." I added in.

"Yeah, you prefer Devin." Kuza snickered, sitting up when Ricky came out of the recording room. "Baby Doll!" He grinned, standing up to scoop Ricky up and kiss his lips. "You were gone for so lonnng!"

Ricky chuckled, rolling his eyes. "It was only thirty minutes, Baby. Chill, I know you missed me." He blushed, looking at Kuza with love and care.

I was still a bit angry with Ricky for leaving Mike in the first place. Mike didn't do anything wrong, and the baby most likely died due to stress overload. Ricky worries literally all the time, and about every little thing. There could be a hair out of place and he'd flip his shit.

However, I bit my tongue and pushed my anger to the side. He begged for forgiveness, and he knew where he was wrong. That's what matters. Besides... Kuza is overjoyed that things were only a rough patch. Even Cameron knew that shit was gonna be alright before Kuza did. Well, Kuza lost hope.

Ricky fucked with Kuza's emotions without even realizing. They loved each other unconditionally, and it was amazing.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed Devin waving a hand in front of my face. "Chriiis~ Earth to Chris!" He giggled, making my heart flutter.

"Sorry," I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Just thinkin'."

Devin took a seat beside me, looking curious. Ricky and Kuza had already left, since Mike needed to get to his photo shoot. "About?"

"Just everything, honestly." I replied, then looked around. "Where's Brandon?"

"On the phone outside. I-Imp-portant call." He replied softly, beginning to tremble. "He's setting me up a d-doctors app-p-poinment." He stammered.

I set a hand on his thigh, a worried look plastered on my pale face. "Devin, you're shaking. What's the matter? You've been acting weird the past few weeks."

"I'm okay, just stressed." Devin replied quickly, sounding like he'd rehearsed the reply a million times.

I turned his head so he'd look at me. "Devin.. You can speak with me." I whispered, cupping his cheek.

"I'm okay, honest!" He replied with a pained smile, his eyes watering. Oh, this poor angel.

I sighed, running my thumb across his bottom lip. Without a second thought, I gently pressed my lips to Devin's, petting his hair soothingly. He kissed back, though only slightly and rested a hand on my knee.

Sadly, we were pulled away from each other by an angry, red-faced Brandon. "What the fuck is this, Devin?!" He snarled.

"It wasn't his fault!" I immediately defended, cheeks red. "I came onto him!" I yelled.

Bad move.

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