Chapter 28

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'8:30 A.M' I read the red digits a couple of times to make sure I am not hallucinating in any way because right now I'm going to be late for work.

Jolting out of bed, there is no time to shower so I quickly got dressed in my work clothes, apply some makeup on and run downstairs to get me a fruit before I leave.

The last time I probably had a proper breakfast was when I was out with Tricia. A piece of yellow paper on the table catches my eye on the way out.

'Anne called to tell there is no need for you to come in today. I have the day off too. Just gone with Edward for breakfast - Love mum x'

You got to be kidding me! I just rushed for nothing!

Groaning irritated, I trudge up the stairs to change back into my shorts but no sweater, leaving me just in my bra.

It's way too hot to wear clothes and besides, no one is home. Grabbing my phone, I text Zayn to tell him I am free today if he wants to rehearse for the show next week.

'Morning :) I have the day off so I am free if you want to rehearse x'

One thing I know for sure is that Zayn won't reply now because he is asleep but he definitely will reply later on.

Since I am home alone, I think I am going to do the one thing I do when I am alone at home - dance around.

I fetch my iPod from upstairs and put it into the iPod dock which is in the living room.

This is going to fun. I haven't danced around out for a while alone and I have brand new songs to dance to. Putting my phone on shuffle, I turn the music up.

Heading into the kitchen, I decide to make some toast with Nutella, singing and dancing along to the songs plays loudly. Just as I was about to sit down and eat my toast, 'Confident' begins to play.

A smile appears on my face, getting a little bit too excited as I rush into the living room. Clare and I were dancing to this song the other day, putting in our own dance moves.

I allow the beat of the song take over me as I move my hips to beat slowly and sensually, enjoying this song a bit too much.

If Clare had to see me now, her eyes would be popping out because she never seen me dance like this before.

Mid way of the second chorus, just as I was going to do a turn, a figure standing outside with a phone in the air caught my eye. Screaming, I drop down to the floor, hiding near the couch so that the person can't see any more of me.

What creep is watching me dance?! No wait - what creep is taking a video of me dancing?!

The person outside begins to laugh hysterically outside.

That laugh sounds familiar.

Slowly, I poke my head out from behind the couch to see Zayn with a smirk on his face, trying to not laugh any more.

Zayn is standing outside.

Oh no!

I just want the floor to open and take me in because now Zayn has seen me dance.

Very inappropriately.

"Aren't you going to open up!?" He shouts from outside. "No!" I quickly crawl across the room till I get to the passage, opening the door for Zayn to come in.

Tattoos // Z.M  A.UWhere stories live. Discover now