Chapter 44

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"What happened last night? Are you okay Ali?" Clare asked.

Last night was full of drama. First Zayn and I talk our differences out then Edward goes on a rant and then afterwards my mum did something I never thought she would do. I was shocked. Zayn was astonished.

She was apologizing saying that she only did what is best for me but she hopes that we can be happy together as long there is no secrets between us.

She also apologized on Edwards bitter behavior but Zayn just brushed it off. I know that he still wants everything between Edward and him to go back on like terms.

After that conversation she hugged him. Yes. Hugged him.

I wanted to laugh at Zayn's facial expression but I controlled myself because I know Zayn will go on a rant if I laughed but when he left the house he said "What the hell just happened?"

I know Zayn and I are on okay terms. It feels a little awkward when conversing with him because I can talk to him about anything but it's not really the same now.

We were talking last night but the was also moments of silence. I hope everything does go back the same way.

"First of all I am alright now. Secondly, Zayn and I talked out our differences so we are okay. Thirdly, Edward was on a rant last night and was being utterly rude to Zayn. He was cussing like a drunken sailor and mum was not impressed at all."

"At the end, all this fighting made my mun and I so upset because we were both crying. Zayn on the other hand was normal but does feel really guilty for his actions."

"You ditched me and Sam. I was so upset because you said nothing but I left." She stated.

"Sorry. How were you two?" I grinned "Nothing is happening okay? He is a cool guy. I don't have his number. Ten minutes later after I went in we both realized that you not coming back so we left."

"You don't have his number!?" I gasped "He is not interested in me so why does he need my number Ali?" "So stupid Sam." I mumbled

Seriously he has no idea on what he is missing on!

"Whatever. What are you doing tonight?" "I have to attend Zayn's father's promotion dinner at the Four Seasons. Mum will be there too."

"Four seasons hey? They have money." I shrugged "I don't care. I had to beg Zayn to go but last night he was begging me to go because he didn't want to go alone. I was thinking of not going tonight because of that whole problem."

"I am gussing this is a formal event so you will be dressing elegantly so I want to see pictures." "Sure."


I opened up the door of Zayn's house. He told me there was an extra set of keys under a dark brown brick.

Weird place to hide keys.

I opened up and went inside the house "Zayn?" I called out.


I walked into the kitchen and saw note on the island counter.

I said I would be home when you come but no. I have some stuff to sort out at uni so I will be home after 4. Make yourself at home.

Zayn :) x

So I have a hour and I half to spare so I will just read this book Clare said I should read.

I put my phone on the iPhone dock to play my music out loud. In a few seconds Lana's voice burst out the speakers.

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