Chapter 50

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"Ready to go?" Zayn asked, putting his bag in the boot of the car "Yeah."

The rest of the week went by fast. Sunday I had a lazy day as well as Monday. Tuesday I went to Zayn, stayed over.

I should never stay over in the weekdays.

Wednesday was Zayn's gig which was really great! Everybody was was having so much fun and Kenny did some rapping. Stayed over again.

I never learn my lesson the first time.

Thursday I packed my things for Bradford as I am going with Zayn. Tricia wants me to be there so I wouldn't want to disappoint her.

As for my health, I am so much better than Sunday. The headaches come and go but the cramps is still there but the pain has subsided.

"Yeah but not ready to sit for three to four hours in a car." He chuckled "It will go very quick and it's good that you dressed warm because it's cold there my mum says."

I got into the car with Zayn. Zayn is driving my car as his car gone in for a service today and he completely forgot about that so he asked for my car.

"Thanks again for the car." "It's okay. You a little bit of a scatter brain now." He snorted "Whatever."


"Alright. We are here." Zayn pulled into the concrete driveway. The house looks really nice.

The windows shutters and front door is a fern green colour. The walls are cream bricks and I have to say, I really expected something more fancier like Zayn's house but I like this house.

It's just a simple duplex house.

I got out of the car and took my suitcase out of my boot as well as Zayn. By the looks of it, rain is going to fall down very soon.

"Let's get inside." He took a pair of keys and opened the door. Going inside, I looked around seeing that this house is actually cozy.

"Mum?" Zayn called out the house remained dead quiet "By the way, she doesn't know you coming." He whispered.

I followed him down the hallway and into a room that was pitch dark. Zayn switched the light on and then I almost screamed.

"Surprise!" A small group shouted out. Tricia came walking over to us "You brought Alison with!" She hugged me "Hello love."

"Hi Tricia." I smiled "You don't bother telling us you coming!" Two guys shouted out and Zayn grinned.

"Hello Anthony, Danny." They came over to give Zayn a brotherly hug. By the looks of it, they looked related. Maybe they are brothers?

"And you must be Alison. I have been waiting to meet you." One of the guys said to me, shaking my hand.

"That is Danny." Zayn said "Hi." I smiled at him and then Zayn's other friend came and shook my hand "And that is Anthony who is Danny's brother."

"I thought so. Nice to meet you." He grinned at me "We have been waiting to see Zayn's girlfriend because that's all he talks about when we call him."

"Ant! Don't listen to him." Zayn brushed it off quickly "He is lying." Danny whispered to me "I know." I giggled.

"Anyway. How long are you here for?" "Just till Sunday." "You're kidding man! That's so short." Anthony complained "I told you guys can come visit us any time."

"We have a life thank you." "So do I. I have university, work and Alison." The brothers started laughing "Zay, how do you all of that?"

Why do I feel like there is some hidden joke behind this?

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