Chapter 47

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Alison is right.

Lyla is a difficult baby. You would say this infant by looks isn't difficult and stingy but looks are deceiving and she is a challenge.

Anastasia had three years of experience so she can possibly handle this child but me?

Hell no.

So I come home at seven forty-five and Alison was busy cooking. She made this amazing chicken dish which made me want seconds but there wasn't any. Sadly.

As for the kids, they were bathed and were in their pajamas. I would have come home just a little bit earlier but it wouldn't have helped but I went shopping.

For the twins.

I was on a quick break I was walking past some stores and saw a beautiful dress with flowers on and sandals for Lottie and I remembered how Liam said he wanted to dress like me so I got him a outfit.

A leather jacket, a pair of black jeans, a graffiti t-shirt and a pair of Vans. I spent almost a hundred pounds on them. Alison won't approve of it though I bought it anyway for them.

Alison was going to put them to bed but I wanted to show them what I bought for them so I told her to rest because I know she was still tired.

After I read them a new a story and luckily I didn't have to read it three times like last night. I gave their gifts.

"Now who wants to keep a secret?" I whispered to them "Me!" They giggled "But we not going to tell Alison alright?" They nodded "I got you a little something each."

I walked to the cupboard where I hid away the gifts from them or Alison finding "Lottie, go sit on Liam's bed." Liam sat up and I sat on the side with Lottie.

"So young ladies first. Look what I got you." I pulled the dress out with her shoes. She squealed "Sshh." I hushed "Pretty! I want to wear this!" "Tomorrow." I chuckled.

Lottie is so happy right now.

"And for you young man." I smiled at Liam and took out his outfit "Cool!" He boasted "Now I look like you!" I laughed "Yes."

"Do you like your presents?" "Yes!" They said excited "You can put them on tomorrow but before what do you say to me?"

Lottie and Liam both tackled me with tight hugs, pushing me down. They are strong to do such a thing.

I chuckled "Thank you Zayn!" "You are welcome." Once that being said Liam got off me, Lottie gave me a light kiss on my cheek and I was quite surprised.

"Lottie what are you doing?" "I am thank you." I chuckled "All you had to do was hug me." I got up, picking her up and putting her into bed, tucking her in "Okay now time to sleep." "Night Zayn." They said in unison.

After seeing them so happy and how nice I was to them, I walked out of the room. Shaking off that feeling I had in the pit of my stomach and all that thoughts going in my head, I tried to be myself.

I was so wrong.

Alison was fast asleep on the sofa so I picked her up, taking her to our room but then she stirred awake saying she needs to change.

By eight she was fast asleep. Everyone was asleep excluding me. I don't sleep so early unless I am very tired so I went down the street like Alison said I should to smoke.

I haven't smoked since Sunday and I am craving for it so badly. It's been two days.

After that, I just caught up with The Walking Dead and by ten I became restless and sleepy.

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