Chapter 34

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When I lost my grandad, it was a huge setback in my life. The worst thing is it happened when I was in high school. He passed away from one of the most common disease that no one deserves to have.


I remember being called out of Literature class by the principal and telling me that my grandad passed away.

That was the first time I ever had a break down. I didn't want to speak to anyone. All I wanted to be is alone.

I had a attitude towards people, did stupid things like smoking weed now and then, getting drunk, my grades were dropping drastically but the worst thing out of all of that is that I was suffering from depression.

It took me ten weeks to get back on my feet so that everything can go back to normal but without him, things were not the same.

I was so attached to him. Ever since I was a small boy, I use to be around him a lot. Every weekend, I stayed at my granddad's house and he would take me out, tell me stories about his childhood and teach me new things like learning about my religion, writing it and speaking the language which comes with it.

When the holidays came, granddad would take me camping. I was always excited for the holidays because spending time with him was the best.

Grandad was alone so I kept him company. Don't get me wrong, he came to visit our family and came to family gatherings but when I was about two, my gran passed away.

I didn't know her so well but I knew that granddad missed her everyday and that she was a sweet, loving women.

One thing for sure is that, I love them so much and that they will always be in my heart.

It wasn't easy for me but there is one person I am worried about.


It's been four days.

I haven't seen her in four days because I was giving her space. During this time, I have been calling Lisa everyday to see how she was doing and by the sounds of it,

It wasn't getting any better.

She has been crying uncontrollably, screaming herself to sleep, not talking to anyone, not eating and locks herself in her room.

All that has made me extremely worried about her.

Enough is enough.

I pulled up into the driveway of Alison's house. Four days later, I'm showing up.

I knocked on the door of the house. After a few seconds, Lisa opened the door up.

"Hello Zayn. This is a surprise." "I came to see how she is doing." "Come in." She motioned me in and I followed her to the living room, Taking a seat in the single seater.

"How has she been doing?" She sighed "Things have subsided a little. I got her to talk to me and to eat again but she still screams herself to sleep."

Things like this gets me extremely worried.

"Can I go see her?" "Sure but she is in the bathroom." She frowned "What is the time now?" I took out my phone.

"Quarter to four" "She has been in there for fifteen minutes. Oh my god!" She put her hand over her mouth "No. No. No." She quickly walked out of the living room.

What is going on!?

I quickly followed her. She was in the kitchen, scratching in a drawer, vigorously. She faced me, looking like she is about to cry.

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