Chapter 2 - (Memory)

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“Finally home.” My dad sighed as he parked the car in our garage. The house looked just as I remember it, the big white door with the two steps just before it and the neatly lined violet flowers surrounding the small front yard.

“How about you unpack while I make dinner?” Mom said as soon as we entered the house, I nodded and took my bags upstairs to my soon to be old room.

The room was the same as I last left it, the small bed with pink covers in the middle and the 2 night stands beside it with some picture frames on them. Across the room there was a small closet and a small desk and on the four white walls, there were pictures and posters scattered in a random pattern. Even though nothing changed in that room, it felt strange to me, like it wasn’t even mine.

 Looking at all of the pictures and posters on the walls, I felt like I was watching someone else’s life on the walls, everything in those pictures felt like a lifetime ago even though this was my life just a few months back.

Putting my bags on the bed, I decided to take down everything on the walls as the sight of them brought back unwanted memories and feelings. Memories and feelings that I want to bury deep down and never have to face them again.

After I quickly had torn down and threw away the posters of some actress, models and singers that I no longer care for, I turned my attention to the pictures of me and my friends, this was way harder than the posters. I can’t believe how happy I looked in those pictures, I looked like I was having the time of my life. If I only knew that it was all fake, all the laughers, the good times and the friends … especially the friends.

A tear escaped my eyes when I tore the last of my pictures with Ella Larson and Sarah Nasser, my back stabbing-used to be-best friends. Ella was in the middle hugging the life out of me and Sarah while we laughed like idiots.

Sarah looked like your ordinary High school sweet heart with the long blond hair, baby blue eyes, model type of body and bubbly personality but behind all of that façade she was an evil master mind. She was the one that led me and Ella to the Party life and introduced us to all sort of drugs and other things. If it weren’t for her parents she would have dyed her hair and had tattoo’s covering her body but since she couldn’t do that she convinced Ella to do everything she wished she could do. That’s why Ella ended up with Black hair with pink highlights instead of her blond hair and her tanned arms covered with random tattoos that were a result of some drunken nights.

 These girls once meant the world to me, I would have done anything for them and I thought they would have done anything for me, oh how I was wrong.

*Ring Ring*

Hearing the Skype tone, I rushed to my laptop and smiled when I saw Tasneem’s Username.

“Hey babe.” Tasneem said in her always cheerful voice.

“Hey Tas, How are you?” I smiled at her, I missed her already. How was that even possible?

“I see you arrived safely. How are your parents and sister?”

“Avoiding me like expected, but at least they didn’t freak out when they saw me.” she chuckled knowing that I was referring to my scarf.

“Even your mom? I’m surprised.” She teased, because I always rambled about how my mom would forever hate me and stuff like that but surprisingly she was not that bad.

“Yes even my mom.” I rolled my eyes at her cheekily.

“About them avoiding you, I think they just need some time to adapt to the new you.” Tasneem became more serious now, her mood shift so fast but I love how she always advice me in a sisterly way.

“It doesn’t matter anyways, I'm moving to my own apartment in a few days” I did a small, awkward happy dance and Tasneem laughed so hard.

“What was that?” she was still laughing.

“My happy dance.” I gave her a ‘dah’ look but she ignored me.

“Maggie! Dinner is ready.” I heard my mom yell.

“I have to go, mom is calling” I frowned.

“Okay” she frowned back, “Say hey to everyone there and call me when you have time, Love you”

“Love you too, bye” I signed out and closed my laptop before going down stairs.

“Nadia can you please put down that damn phone of yours and set the table.” Nadia rolled her eyes at mom then did what she was told as she mumbled something under her breath.

I helped Nadia set the table and placed the food ,which mom had made, on it. Then we all sat down to eat as a family, nothing could be heard but the sound of knives and forks making contact with the plates, the awkward silence was back.

We spend a few uncomfortable moments before my mom decided to finally speak, “How was your trip Maggie?”

“It was great, they miss you all so much” I said while looking at my plate. For some reason I didn’t want to talk about dad’s family, we never talked about them here so it didn’t feel right.

“I miss them all too, maybe next year we can all go there for a month or so.” My dad said casually but I could feel my sister shooting daggers at him from her eyes.

“Great idea, I haven’t seen them since the wedding, remember Adam?” My mom said excitedly which left me dumfounded, I thought she hated them, that’s why we never talked about them or went to see them and that’s what they thought too.

“Well, you all can go while I can enjoy my time with Natalya” Nadia interrupted my thoughts.

“I don’t think so young lady, when we go, we ALL go.” Dad said, emphasizing the ‘all’ and flaring at Nadia.

"Not fair. I don't even know them." Nadia shouted angrily and I could feel my father about to explode on her, so I decided to change the subject fast.

"When should we start moving my things to my new apartment?" I said excitedly.

"About that Maggie..." My mom paused and my heart dropped.

 Did they decide it was too early for me to live alone and would make me take a gap year? No, I couldn't stand staying here for a few days, I can't stay for a while year.

"Your father and I," my mom started talking and my eyes opened wide.I was panicking inside while I listened careful to what she was about to say, "We decided it was too early for you to live alone" oh no, they don't trust me enough, this cant be happening.

"We choose a new roommate for you, she is a really good Muslim girl, not like your old company which is the goal" my dad said. Phew, at least I'm still leaving. I understand that they don't trust me enough to life alone, heck I don't even trust myself just yet.

"We met her at the BMCC, her dad was looking for a good roommate that is going to the same school as her. We are going to meet her tomorrow at the move" my mom said excitingly.

Tomorrow? That's too soon, What if she doesn't like me? What if I don't like her?

And suddenly I was feeling pressured to impress this girl that I don't even know but nonetheless I was stuck with for at least a year.



Hey guys.

Hope you like this chapter, sorry zayn is not in the picture yet and he won't be for the next chapter either but I have to build up the upcoming events.

Please stick with me and read through, it will get better, more drama and events soon.

Oh yeah btw BMCC is short cut for British Muslim Community Center, I made that up for the flow.

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I want to know your opinions and critiques, it helps me improve xx ~Marwaa

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