Chapter 24 - (Messages)

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Feeling myself become light headed and dizzy, I knew I was going to pass out so I took deep breaths and exhaled slowly, trying to calm my stress. It was a technique that my old doctor taught me. He used to say the more stressful I get, the easier I’ll black out so whenever I feel myself going to that place I should just take deep breaths and empty my mind.

Empty my mind. I repeated in my head as I took several more deep breaths. I felt myself slowly regain my balance and I knew that I was doing it right. A few minutes passed while I kept trying to calm my stress, I was afraid of losing my balance and fainting if I got up too fast before I calm my stress enough.

Hearing the front door open, I knew that Waliyha and Aaroosa had come home and in a few minutes they were going to come inside my room to check on me so I had to look normal, like nothing happened. The last thing I want was for them to know that I almost fainted alone in the house and worry them for nothing.

“Maggie, we are home.” I heard Aaroosa yell from outside, making my head bound. Why did she have to tell me so loud for? I’m not deaf.

Staying on my bed for 5 minutes, I finally found some strength in me to get up and get that glass of water and an aspirin for my headache.

Walking to the kitchen, I saw Waliyha, Aaroosa and Bella setting on the couch talking and eating, making a mess around them. I cringed when I saw the sight of chips bags on the floor next to them and scrambled bits falling on my clean couch but I was too tired to scowl anyone at the moment so I just ignored them and headed to the kitchen.

“Maggie!!!” Bella yelled when she saw me, increasing my headache which was finally bearable.

Ignoring Bella’s existence, I filled myself a glass of room temperature water and looked for the aspirin in the drawers. Where did Aaroosa put those pills

Feeling someone behind me, I turned and saw Waliyha enter the kitchen, “Hey, are you alright?” she said in a low voice, which I was thankful for.

I nodded, “Yeah, I just have a headache. Do you know where the aspirins are?”  I kept searching for those damn aspirins.

“Yeah,” She opened the cabin and got out the pills, “Here you go. Are you sure you are okay though?”

“Yeah, just tired. I think I’ll take another nap.” I weakly smiled reassuring her and she nodded then left me.

After taking the pill, I went back to my room and let my body fall on the bed. I was just warn out even though, technically I did nothing today but I was just tired and my head was about to explode. I think the aspirin didn’t kick in yet.

Just as I was about to sleep, I heard my phone buzz on the night stand notifying me of a new message.

Checking my phone, I saw that Zayn had texted me. It wasn’t an unusual thing, he always texted me but I felt sad when I saw his name on my screen. I couldn’t even get myself to open the message so I just put my phone in silent mood and went back to sleep, non-interrupted sleep.


After what seemed like hours, I finally woke up from my nap. Stretching my body on my bed I looked at my alarm clock and noticed that I had been sleeping for 14 hours. That’s a long nap, well sleep.

Yawning, I lazily got out of bed and dragged my still very tired but awake body to the bathroom where I peed, brushed my teeth and made wudo’ then got out of the bathroom and entered my room where I prayed the prayers I missed while sleeping.

When I was done with all of the usual routine, I felt my stomach growl in hunger as I just realized I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday’s breakfast and it was almost 8 AM. Going to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and noticed we only have some leftover chicken and pasta salad.

Putting a few scoops of the pasta salad with 2 chicken pieces in my plate, I took a seat on the kitchen island not wanting to go sit with the girls. I was just not in the mood and I wanted some alone time. I took small nips of my chicken piece and a spoon full of the pasta when the words I read earlier echoed in my head.

Maggie is too ugly and fat. I bet Zayn is suffering from just looking at her’

Looking at my food, I sighed and got out of my seat then put my plate back in the fridge. I was still hungry but I need to make changes. I am fat and ugly.

Going back to my room, I wanted to distract myself with anything away from food. It was hard considering I was alone as Waliyha and Aaroosa were in UNI and I was avoiding my phone as well because I knew once I had it in my hand I would check Zayn’s message.

It was not like I didn’t want to read it, I really did want to read it and just hear about his day and he was doing but maybe I was feeling self pity or something, I didn’t even know. It was like if I read it and saw how oblivious he was to the way I was right now I would just break in and cry again. I know it wasn’t his fault that he was oblivious to my current state but it still made me sad and a bit broken inside.

I hate how weak I feel right now, how a small message that probably would have made me the happiest girl in the world if I got it yesterday, makes me fear it because a jealous girl behind her stupid little screen said some hurtful words about me which I wouldn’t have even heard about it if it wasn’t for Nadia.

Deciding that finishing up my delayed school work from my days off would be a good distraction, I sat on my chair and opened up the worksheets that Waliyha had piled up on my desk and just pored myself in them.

I was never one of those people who were good in studying and I usually take more time studying than a normal student would in the theoretical subject but I was good with numbers.

Taking my time in my work, I didn’t feel time pass and when I finally decided I had enough and my headache started to bother me too much. I got up from my chair to stretch my body a little and walked around the apartment for a bit that’s when I realized how late it was in the day, it was almost midday and in an hour or less the girls would be here not that I was in the mood for socializing or anything.

Going back to my room, I laid on my bed and out of habit I grabbed my phone, unlocked it then checked my messages. I had over 15 messages! All from Zayn.

Oh my god, what have I done? I just opened the messages and Zayn’s messages were just in front of me, teasing me… No mocking me, mocking my weakness. I hate myself for this.

But why shouldn’t I read it? He did send 15 messages for me after all, but what if I cry too much and blackout alone?

Debating on whether or not I should read Zayn’s message, I felt my phone buzz in my hand. Looking at the caller ID, I creased my eyebrows surprised on the name on my screen.

Why was he calling me?



This is about 5 hours too late and probably the most boring filler in the world but I couldn’t do without it, sorryz babez :( , the next one has more Zayn, Promise.

I’ll update again in probably over 12 hours, but PLEASE don’t forget to VOTE AND COMMENT please? 

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