Chapter 20 - (Guilt)

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Waking up, I felt my body aching like I fell and hit my back or something. I don’t know what happened and I don’t really remember much. All I remember is feeling dizzy and hearing Waliyha calling my name.

Opening my eyes slowly, I started to recognize my surrounding. I wasn’t in the classroom anymore; I was in a small white room with one bed which I was sleeping on and white curtains around it. Next to the door of the room there was a closed cabinet taking the whole wall. The room had a weird smell that made my body shiver, it smelled like a hospital. I hate hospitals.

Sitting up straight in the bed, I started to feel dizzy again so I just closed my eyes for a few seconds. “Maggie?” A voice startled me, making me jump in my place. Putting my hand on my heart, I felt as it raced it my chest.

“Are you okay babe?” Waliyha whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder for support.

Opening my eyes again, I noticed Waliyha, Bella, Kaliq and a middle aged woman wearing a white coat standing in front of me. Where did they all come from? They weren’t here a few seconds ago?

Removing the curtains to be fully opened, I noticed a set of chairs and a small desk that where hidden behind the curtains in the corner.

“How are you feeling now?” The middle aged women asked me smiling.

“Better.” I said weakly and trying to pull a smile on but failing.

“Great,” She smiled and took my hand pressing her index finger on it, “Very good, your pulse is back to normal.”  

Normal? Was it not normal before? Furring my eyebrows together, I looked quizzically at her for explanation.

“Maggie, right?” She asked and I nodded in response, “You skipped breakfast today, didn’t you?”

Thinking about it, I don’t remember eating breakfast today.

“I take your pause as a yes,” I nodded slyly, “Well, you need to take care of your body more. Did this happen to you before?” She asked, writing something down.

Looking at the group in front of me, I averted my gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact. They all had concerned look on their faces, making me blush and feel embarrassed. The Doctor seemed to notice because she told them all to wait outside until the examination was done.

“So, did this happen to you before?”

“Only once before.” I said with a weak (week is seven days) voice.

“Okay, when was that?” She asked then wrote something on her notes.

“A few months ago.” I looked on the ground, trying to erase that memory from my mind.

“Did you visit a doctor then?” I nodded and she hummed, “What did he tell you?”

“It was just stress.” I shrugged, trying not to make a big deal out of it.

“Stress leading to blackouts.” She said in a low voice as if she wasn’t talking to me, “Well, you will need to take these vitamins,” She began to write me a list of things to take, “And stay away from stress as much as possible. I’ll write a note to the student counseling office to authorize you a week off school. You need to relax so it won’t get serious.” Her voice was stern but sweet.

I was very happy with the fact that I would be staying home with no one bothering me, no one to see me and no one talking to me about those stupid rumors again. A week just for me,

“Not to scare you or anything, but if you don’t take care of yourself this will escalate to an infection in the nervous colonel. We don’t want to go there.” She said sternly, making me feel guilty about this whole thing.

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