Chapter 38 - (Face To Face)

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Nadia left my room taking my phone with her and before I can protest about that she yelled at me telling to get dressed.

Looking at my bag, I searched for the outfit I already packed for the concert. It was a black leather pants, a white cotton body shaped shirt, a creamy leather jacket and a neon-orange headscarf.

As I wore my clothes, I heard some mumbles outside my room and being the curious cat that I was, I tip toed my way to the door and tried my bed to hear what was being said. But I couldn’t make out anything being said, all I heard was some foot-steps so I ran back pretending to be busy braiding my hair.

A few seconds later, I heard someone knock on my door, “Come in.” I yelled.

“Hey, Maggie.” Ariel entered my room.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“I came to do your make-up. Nadia is talking to someone so she asked me to help you.” She smiled.

“Oh, no. it’s okay. I can do it myself.” I didn’t want to bother her.

“None sense. I have a make-up blog, so you can say I know what I’m doing.” She grinned proudly.

She opened a bag full of make-up on my dresser as she sat me up in the chair, “Wrap your scarf so I can work with its colors.” She instructed. I did as she asked, neatly wrapping my scarf around my head.

“So, is Zayn a good kisser?“ She asked out of now where while applying some concealer on my skin.

“What?” My eyebrows creased at her.

“I know it’s none of my business but come on, you have to tell me.” She whaled begging in a weird way that made me so uncomfortable.

“We never kissed,” I said to give her some peace of mind, ”We aren’t dating.” I answered her unasked question, which I read on her confused face.

“But the whole world knows that you two are a couple? We even have pictures to prove it.” she said confused.

“You do? Wow, I didn’t know,” I chuckled, in a lame attempt to be sarcastic.

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion, “So you guys really are not dating at all?”

“No.” I chuckled but a hint of sadness escaped my mouth in a sigh after it.

“Wow,” She said, “The media really portrays us the image they want to us to believe in.”

“Yeah, they do.” I nodded.

“Well, that’s too bad. I thought you guys looked good together. I wish you were a real couple.” She sighed as she worked her magic, doing my make-up.

“Me too.” I whispered to myself.


“So, how is it going?” Nadia peeked her head inside the room, checking on us.

“We are done.” Ariel smiled widely, giving a proud look of her work.

“Oh My God, Ariel you are so good. I love that greenish sparkle eyeliner.” Nadia squealed.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought I had too much make-up but not in the overly done way. I had a-green eyeliner under my lashes that had a little sparkle to it, and a dark brown eye shadow that was drawn widely over my eye. The over-all look was good, I was happy with it.

“Wow, Maggie, You look great hunny.” My mom complemented when we went down stairs.

“Thank you.” I answered then we all went to my mom’s car and headed off to the main road.

Starting Over (Islamic Fiction, Z.M)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن