chapter 5 - (Surprise, Surprise)

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“Hello Maggie.” I couldn’t believe my eyes, she was here. Sarah Nasser was here. In London. In Aaroosa’s apartment.

What was she in Aaroosa’s apartment?  Then it hit me, she must be Aaroosa’s roommate. It made sense now why Aaroosa hated her roommate and always hanged with us.

“I almost didn’t recognize you” Sarah said and I replied with a genuine smile, Looking at my long sleeve pajama’s and white scarf that’s lazily wrapped around my hair.  

We stood in awkward silent as I drank my tea. Sarah hadn’t changed a bit which I wasn’t expecting at all. I thought the moment when she goes to college and break loose from her parents’ watchful eye; she would go crazy with tattoos and dying her hair all punk colors. But the girl in front of me was the same girl I left in that club four months ago. Looks of an angel, mind of the devil.

She extended her hand with something to me across the two, very close balconies. I took a better look at it. It was a pack of cigarettes.

“I quitted.” I shook my head, her eye brows furrowed while lighting a cigarette for herself. 

“Good for you.” She blew smoke to her side.

Ignoring her uncomfortable existence in front of me, I continued eating my breakfast in silence even though I had a million questions in my head.

What was she doing here? How did she become Aaroosa’s roommate? What was she studying?  And most importantly, what happened the night of my accident?   Why didn’t she return my calls after I got out of the hospital? Why hadn’t she, Ellie or anyone come to visit me after that night?

‘No Maggie. You will not ask her anything. This is the past; the past that you are trying hard to forget.’  But I want answers. I want to know what happened. I want closure.

Just before I opened my mouth to ask, she took one last drag of her cigarette then threw it out and went inside. Leaving me throw with my thoughts all over the place.

‘Why didn’t you ask sooner?’ My subconscious scowled me. But maybe this is for the best, to forget.

*Knock Knock*

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at the door of the balcony where Waliyha was standing with a cup of coffee.

“C’mon in.” I smiled at her and pointed at the empty chair next to me while sighing deeply.

“What’s on your mind?” She asked while taking a sip of her coffee.

“Nothing.” I forced a smile.

“You look preoccupied.”

I hate my facial expression, it always gives me away.

“Just cold.” I said busing myself with my food which is almost finished.

I didn’t like lying to Waliyha, but I didn’t feel like telling her about my past yet. She and Aaroosa and all my new friends would never look at me the same again. They are all good girls. What would they think of me? The old druggie, suicidal girl. They would hate me and never speak to me. I don’t have anyone else.

“Hello? Earth to Meg.” Waliyha snapped her finger in front of my face, taking me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah?.. oh sorry. Shall we go inside? I’m cold” she nodded then took my tray that had my plate and my empty cup of tea and Waliyha’s empty cup of coffee and went to the kitchen.

Closing the balcony, I took one last long look at Sarah’s balcony but it was closed. Closing off the curtains, I changed to my long black dress, my jean jacket and pink scarf.

Starting Over (Islamic Fiction, Z.M)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang