chapter 36 - (Heads Over Heels?)

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The next morning I honestly didn’t feel like waking up, but I have slept for so long already I had a headache.

Yawning, I stretched my limbs to both sides and took a quick glance over at the clock. It was only nine in the morning then I did I had that horrible headache?

Walking down stairs, I didn’t even care to comp my hair or for the fact that I slept in yesterday’s clothes. I wasn’t in the mood for anything to be fair.

“Good morning.” My dad said from behind his morning news as he took a sip of his morning tea.

“Morning.” I replied lazily as I took a seat next to him on the kitchen island.

“Good morning sweetie. Did you have a nice sleep?” Mom asked in her cheery way but it was too early for that stuff.

“Mhmm.” Was my only reply as she poured me some tea and put a sandwich in front of me.

Taking a few sips of my hot tea, I jumped as I burnt my tongue.

“Why are you dressed like that?” My dad asked, taking a better look at me, now that he put his newspaper down.

“I was too tired to change yesterday.” I managed to say with my burnt tongue.

“Well after you have your breakfast go take a shower and change into something comfortable. You look terrible.” My dad said that like it was nothing. He can be so rude at times.

Ignoring him, I continued drinking my tea but more careful now that my tongue hurt. After I finished my tea, I was about to go up to my room when a sleepy body wade it’s was in the kitchen.

“Morning sweetie. How is my sixteen years old teenager doing?” My mom was overly excited for some reason today.

“Tired, I danced way too much yesterday. I think my body is crashing.” She joked weakly.

“Yeah, the party was a success, wasn’t it?” Mom gave Nadia her tea and a sandwich as she sat next to me.

“Yeah it was. Thank you for making it happen.” She said taking a sip of her tea slowly.

Something was definitely up with Nadia. She was nice to me yesterday and today she actually thanked my parents for the party. Turning sixteen must have been a real life changing experience for that girl.

“You’re welcome baby girl.” My dad replied with the biggest smile on his face. It was no secret that he favored Nadia over me so when she did this small nice gesture like a thank you, I bit it warmed his heart.

“Isn’t this nice? All four of us setting around a table, eating and chatting like the old days?” My mom suddenly said with a warm smile. It was in deed very nice. No fighting or arguments, just a normal family, enjoying breakfast together.

“We should make this a habit. You should come down often.” My dad suggested.

“Yeah, totally Maggs. I miss you.” Nadia said excitingly. Was I in the wrong house? Who were these people and what have they done to my family?

“I’ll try.” I smiled with a little confused expression on my face but I enjoyed this conversation nonetheless.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Saeed are you going to London with us?” Mom asked.

“London? Why are you going there?” He asked confused.

“I told you, Trisha invited us to the One Direction concert.” She said putting her cake down.

“Oh right. No, I’m not coming. You go and enjoy yourselves.” He said casually with no explanation.

Sighing, I remembered that the concert was today. I wasn’t sure were Zayn and I stood. He was still avoiding me and now I had to go to his concert with both our families there. It would be so awkward.

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