Chapter 14 - (Back To Haunt Me)

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“Wait, are you Maggie Saeed?”

We stood there in total silence; I was too shocked to answer and she was examining me closing, to make sure that I was indeed Maggie. While the rest just exchanged looks between me and her, waiting for either one of us to explain how we knew each other. But I was praying to god that she wouldn’t say anything and that she would just leave without too many questions being asked.

“You are Maggie,” She finally broke the silence in her squeaky voice that didn’t even match her sharp looks, “How are you Maggie? It’s been a while.” She embraced me in a hug.

I tried to force myself to be nice to her and hug her back but I ended up just standing there, letting her hug me while I didn’t even react. When she pulled back, I gave her a small fake smile hoping that it would be enough to make her leave.

But as I expected she didn’t leave, even worse she kept on talking, typical Nurse Helen.

“So, how have you been Maggie? Are you okay now? Is your life good or do you need someone to be close to you and look after you? You know I’m always here for you just come by anytime” She said too quickly, I didn’t even hear half of the things she said. She still has that big mouth of her I see.

“I’m fine, thank you nurse Helen.” I gave her another fake smile. Please tell me you have to go now.

“I can’t believe you still remember me” She raised her eyebrows in surprise and had a huge grin on her face. Of course I still remember you, you are the reason everyone turned my life into living hell after I was released from this hospital, because of you and your big mouth.

“I can’t believe you still remember me.” I forced another smile on my face as Zayn, Waliyha and Kaliq were all watching the both of us very closely.

“Of course I do silly. How can I forget the girl who tried to kill herself.” Everyone’s eyes opened wide in shock and their mouths dropped as they snapped their heads at me. Oh joy she couldn’t keep that mouth of her shut for 5 freaking minutes till we left.

I kept my fake smile on at all time trying to get out of this situation. I didn’t want to reply to her and get into another argument about what actually did happen that night but it was better if they thought I tried to kill myself rather than knowing the truth.

“I see you turned to your religion for solution,” she said pointing at my head scarf, “I hope it did you good. I was never really someone who thinks a religion can help but if you think that this is the way to get out of your old ways so be it, just try not to bomb anything.” She laughed loudly. Unlike Waliyha, Kaliq and Zayn, I wasn’t too shocked by what she just said. Of course she would be racist, that’s the only thing missing from her Lovely personality.

Hearing a beeb sound come out of her badge, she took a look at what it said then tilted her head at us, “Well, it was  great running into you Maggie but I have to run, patients are waiting.” An obnoxious laugh escaped her mouth before she turned on her heel and walked away.

I sighed in relief, watching her walk up the stairs she just came down a few minutes ago. Finally, I thought she would never stop talking or leave.

Turning around to face my friends, I saw confused and shocked expressions on their faces. Of course they didn’t understand what just happened.

Ignoring their reaction, I opened my phone and noticed 4 missed calls; 2 of them are from an unknown number which must be Zayn’s and 2 are from Aaroosa’s number. I decided to call Aaroosa and tell her what happened, minus the meeting nurse Helen part.

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