Chapter 29 - (Reunion)

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Waking up the next morning was just awful. I had another headache but that wasn’t why I dreaded waking up that day. I was going home alone, the girls had to stay and wait for their families here and Zayn was, well I didn’t know about him.

First he was all excited about meeting me there now he didn’t care about not coming. Was I imagining everything that was happening between us?

Hearing the squeak of the door knob as it turns, snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to see who was entering my room ever so slowly.

“Hey,” Waliyha whispered, “You are awake.” She smiled and I nodded.

“Come in.” I smiled and waved her over.

“I have to get ready for school. Last day of the week is always the worst.” She sighed aggravatingly.

“I know,” I pouted.

“Why are you sad for? You have the day off, just like you had the rest of the week.” She rolled her eyes.

“But this is my last day of my mini vacation.” I whined.

“Oh shut up you big baby,” she bantered with me, “By the way, did you take your meds?”

“No, I just woke up. I’ll take them now.” I reassured her with a smile.

“Okay. Oh, don’t forget to eat your chicken. Zayn told me to remind you.” She left the room after I nodded. What is it with Zayn and food?

Yawning, I stretched my limps on my bed trying to shake the sleepiness out of it. Getting out of bed I went to the bathroom to do the morning routine; pee, brush my teeth, do wudu, have a quick shower, brush my hair and finally pray the Morning Prayer.

Once I was done with all of that, I went to the kitchen and searched for something to eat before I take my aspirin.  Apparently I couldn’t take it on an empty stomach.

Eating another flavored yogurt, I noticed my chicken fajita on the top shelf of the fridge and I smiled when I remembered how Zayn was force feeding me yesterday. How I wish I could freeze that moment forever.

After I took my aspirin, I went to my room and changed into a pair sweat pants, a long sleeved shirt and a scarf. I was ready to get going but I dreaded it so much. I even had nervous butterflies in the bottom of my stomach. Was it so weird how I was so anxious to go to my parent’s house?

I think so too, but we were in shaky grounds. Before the summer we had a cold distant relation that I was fine with but now my mom was actually reaching out and trying to be close to me which I really appreciate and I try my best to meet her half way but it was my dad and Nadia that worried me the most.

Our relation was so confusing, we still rarely ever talk to each other but when we do it’s always weird to me. Maybe because I want more, I want to have a real relation with my family but I don’t know how to accomplish it.

When I first came back to the UK I was filled with hope and determination on how I would mind my relation with my family but now I was so indecisive to how I would do that. I wish Tasneem was here to give me one of her famous inspiration speeches.

Opening my phone, I decided to Skype with her before I leave but when I noticed the time, I changed my mind. It was 7 AM and I needed to get going now so I wouldn’t get caught up in the morning traffic.

 Getting the bag that I prepared earlier, I put my phone and laptop in it and went out of my room. Aaroosa and Waliyha were eating breakfast in the living area, making a mess around them like they always do.

Rolling my eyes at the sight, I sighed knowing that when I come back home this place would be a dumb.

“Are you leaving already?” Aaroosa asked.

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