Chapter 9 - (Shady)

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Standing in the living area with the Maliks around the cake, we sang happy birthday to Waliyha.

“Make a wish.” Jawaad yelled after we sung.

She closed her eyes for second to think about what she wanted to wish for.

“C’mon Waliyha, make a wish already.” Zayn whined making the cutest baby face ever, making me gaze at him even more.

Waliyha was the center of attention at that moment so I was sure no one noticed my little stare, especially that Zayn was standing between me and Waliyha so it looked like I was looking at her not him.

“Fine, Fine.” Waliyha rolled her eyes, closed her eyes for a second then opened them again and blew the candles.

“Yaaaaah.” Everyone cheered. Then they took turns hugging her and wishing her happy birthday again.

“Happy birthday Wali” Zayn said hugging her in the biggest bear hug ever. I drooled a little, wishing I was the one between his arms.

Out of nowhere, Zayn turned around and our faces were inches away from each other. Looking at his eyes, I was lost in his beautiful features. My heart started to pound quicker when his lips parted a little and time seemed to have stopped at that particular moment.

Without even thinking my body leaned closer to his and our lips touched in the most perfect way. My eyes were closed and I was lost in our kiss, our perfect first kiss. The world span around the two of us as our lips intertwined and we became as one.

But suddenly I felt his lips part from mind as he pulled himself away, “What the hell was that?” His brows furrowed and his body tensed as he wiped his mouth with his sleeves.

“I… I.” I began to panic as I felt heat in my cheeks, my heart was pounding and my eyes were shot open. I wanted to disappear.

“Eeewwww, What the Hell Maggie?” Aaroosa said as she looked at me like I was a disgusting sl*t.

“We thought you were a good Muslim girl.” Trisha spat at me pulling her little daughter, Safaa, away from me, like I was a disease. I felt a lump in my throat as my mind started racing, no not again. I can’t be treated like this again. I can’t be in that position again.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, my voice could barely be heard. I felt a warm tear rolling down my cheek. “I’m sorry.” I repeated. I was not a bad person. I didn’t mean to do this. I truly didn’t mean to. Another tear rolled down my face, followed by a few more. I could feel their hate to me through their eyes.

“You tricked us, you are not who we think you were.” Sarwat yelled at me. Her eyes shot daggers at me, making my heart break into small pieces. They all stood in front of me, giving me dirty looks.

The lump in my throat was getting bigger and my tears weren’t slowing down, making my vision blurry. I didn’t trick them. I really am trying to be a good person, why can’t they see this.

Closing my eyelids to force the tears out of my eyes, I felt my head about to explode from crying and thinking, “I’m Sorry. I really am trying.” I yelled at the top of lungs as if that was going to make my headache go away or make them forgive me and believe I was really a good person.

Out of nowhere, I heard the coldest laugh I have ever heard… No, I heard this before. What was she doing here? Opening my eyes again I saw Sarah standing in front of me. She was standing just a step or two before the Maliks. Like a leader to a troop. And the coldest smirk was on her face.

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